In many industries, and in particular in the service industry, internal and external cost estimation, planning, reporting, payment of salaries, and customer billing rely on the exact recording of time and effort spent. Employees are the foundation of any company, Without a talented and motivated employee, a company cannot thrive. When it comes to your home technology business, your employees have a great deal of responsibility. While your employees are no doubt up to the task, tracking productivity is important. Employee Record tracking system doesn’t mean watching employees to make sure they are behaving , it means working with them to keep efforts at a high level and establish goals for improvement. Apart from this, the main focus of employee record tracking system is to ensure that the employee goals align with those of the business. While you as an employer no doubt have established deadlines and goals for the company, it becomes the shared responsibility of the employees to ensure that objectives are met.
Background of the Study In today’s world of service and fast improvement of modernization of our era, everything has been computerized. With the large number of work opportunities the Human workforce has increased. Thus there is a need of a system which can handle the data of such a large number of Employees and their records.
This Employee Record Tracking System is application software designed to support all record of employee such as time, salary, allocating spending limits to departments, supervisor and projects for employees, and other information needed by company. This system will able to secure all records and ensure work is being done and met targets and find information that the manager needs. This System also allows the administrator to edit employees record as well as evaluate an employee’s performance. Employee can be managed efficiently without