Psychology: The science of behavior and mental processes.
Behavior: Anything an organism does. (action we can observe and record.)
Mental Processes: Subjective experiences. ex: beliefs, dreams, thoughts, and feelings.
Trends in Psychological Science:
John B. Watson: Behaviorists study and experiment with observable behavior.
B.F. Skinner: studied the way consequences shape behavior- operant conditioning.
Freudian/ Psychoanalytic Psychology:
Sigmund Freud: Founder of Psychoanalysis.
* studied and helped with a variety of mental disorders. * Personality and Therapy.
Abraham Maslow (1960's) and Carl Rogers:
* studied people who were thriving rather than psychology problems.
* developed theories and treatments to help people feel accepted and reach full potential.
1. Neuroscience: How the body and brain enable emotion, memory, and sensory experience. 2. Evolutionary: How the natural selection of traits promoted the survival of genes. 3. Behavior Genetics: How much our genes and our environment influence our individual differences. 4. Psychoanalysis: How behavior springs from unconscious drives and conflicts. 5. Behavioral: How we learn observable responses. 6. Cognitive: How we encode, process, store, and retrieve information. (memory, problem solving, decisions, reasoning) 7. Social- Cultural: How behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures.
DREAMS( using different psychologies)
* neuroscience - hormones, electrical impulses * behavioral - mannerisms during sleep * psychoanalysis - symbols in dreams * cognitive - remembering your dreams
Psychology's 3 Biopsychosocial levels of analysis:
Biology plus environment
1. The Deep Level: Biology; neurogenes, neurotransmitters, survival reflexes, sensation. 2. Outer Level: Environment; Social Influences; culture, education, relationships