Chapter 14 & 16
Study Guide
Chapter 14 * Definition of ore: rock that contains a large enough concentration of a particular mineral to make it profitable for mining and processing. * Composition of steel * Mixture of iron and other elements * Manganese * Cobalt widely used in steel alloys * chromium * Reading Assignment: The Real Cost of Gold
Chapter 16 * % energy that could be saved by improving energy efficiency - 43% * Commercial energy waste in US 1) Improved energy efficiency since 1980 * Japan * Germany 2 – 3 times more energy efficient than U.S. * France 2) 84% of all commercial energy used in U.S. is wasted (costs an average of $570,000 per minute) * 41% unavoidable due to the degradation of energy quality imposed by the second law of thermodynamics * 43% wasted unnecessarily * Transportation and oil consumption 3) 3 out of 4 American commute to work with only 5% relying on energy efficient mass transit 4) 2/3 of oil consumed is for transportation * 60% of country’s oil is imported * Four widely used devices that waste energy 5) Incandescent light bulb; 6) A motor vehicle with an internal combustion engine; 7) A nuclear power plant; and, 8) A coal-fired power plant. * Energy waste of an internal combustion engine – 80% of the energy in its fuel * Cogeneration aka combined heat and power – two useful forms of energy (steam and electricity) are produced from the same fuel source 9) Saves energy and money 10) Energy efficiency as high as 80-85% * CAFÉ standards – Corporate Average Fuel Standards 11) Government mandated standards for average fuel efficiency for new vehicles sole in U.S. * Average fuel efficiency rose sharply between 1973 and 1985 * Since 1985, average fuel efficiency for new cars sold in