While transitioning from childhood to adulthood, teens go through many changes. They experience physical, social, emotional, and mental changes. The changes can produce positive or negative experiences. Physical maturation, a sense of independence, the discovery of new abilities, and the satisfaction of taking care of yourself are the positive experiences. Unusual physical differences between peers, moodiness, self-consciousness, discovery of personal limitations, and difficulties involve in taking on new responsibilities. These experiences can bring on both good and not-so-good feelings for a teen.
Teen years can be emotional time, but also a great time to learn how to take control of your own life. The two that are important in everyone’s lifestyle is their health and fitness. One way to achieve this is by setting goals. Setting goals is setting a plan that you created for yourself to work toward or beyond. Setting different goals help you to improve and to feel good about yourself. Your goals can be short-term goals or long-term goals. Short-term goals can be used to reach long-term goals. A ladder is a good example of how short-term goals can help reach a long-term goals. The top part of the ladder is the long term goal and the rungs leading to the top of the ladder are the short-term goals.
In order to set goals you will need to follow goal setting steps. Desire is the most important goal setting step. You have to want to do it. Another step is to believe yourself and know you can do it. You have to analyze where you are now, meaning you have to know your staring point. You also need to set goals that are realistic. Putting down your goals on paper with details is a great step because it allows you to have a clearer picture of your goal. Another important step is to list benefits you will receive. You will have stronger desire and a stronger belief in yourself. You also have to identify obstacles or challenges that