Description of existing system RLM Drugstore, using manual system according to our interview to the owner of the drugstore, they cannot specify the exact amount of sales and item sold, they have complications on sales and Inventory due to human errors and also laboriousness and time consuming when it comes to generating sales and inventory reports, for obvious reasons that it is done manually. Manual inventory systems turned out to be slow and inaccurate resulting to problems like running out of stocks and slow computations of product prices being bought by the customers. List of files, and papers in these files are difficult to document and maintain, thus prone to risk of loss or damage, making the system inefficient. The owner of RLM Drugstore want a computerized system to hasten their work for the inventory, so the developer makes computerized sales and inventory system to solve the problem of RLM Drugstore. The degree of success of a business greatly depends upon controlling the merchandise inventory.
Narrative Explanation of the Existing System
Purchasing Medicine/Products 1. The employee ask the customer for the order. 2. The customer present the prescription or order and sometimes ask for amount of medicine/product. 3. The employee, give the amount of order and check the order of customer if they have. 4. The employee go back and give the order of customer. 5. The customer pay his/her avail order. 6. Invoice.
1. The employee count the amount of their sales in a whole day. 2. The employee check their medicine stocks and count the number of purchased for the day. 3. The employee computes all medicine /product that purchased in a day and compare to the amount of sales if similar. 4. The employee count the no. Of medicine/products that they need to buy for the next day.
Activity Diagram
Purchasing of Product Customer