Drew Jessen
Justin Wright
Green 6
English 1
To Kill A Mockingbird: Chapter, 32
Narrator/Scout: It was early morning I was barley awake as I slipped my head into Jems room. He and Atticus were sound asleep. "The Grey Ghost" was lying on the ground by Atticus’s chair wide open. I walked to the kitchen where Cal was placing the kettle on the stove for coffee.
Cal: well Jean Louise finch what are you doing up at this hour young lady.
Scout: I didn’t sleep well. I had a long night
Cal: well I can see that! The bags under your eyes are very big. Come on out to the porch and explain to me what was keeping you up last night.
Narrator/Scout: as I explained to cal what all happened that night she listened with her full attention. And when I had told cal everything I couldn’t help to just hug her.
Cal: it’s all right scout. I’m just happy yall are okay. I would have been terrified.
Narrator/scout: cal and I heard a door close inside the house so we went in to check on it.
Jems door had been closed and we saw Atticus in the kitchen.
Scout: morning Atticus!
Atticus: well good morning scout, calpurnia. What were yall doing out on the porch this morning?
Narrator/scout: I was going to tell Atticus I told cal about Boo but cal interrupted me before I could say one word.
Cal: we were just talking about scouts play. And what all happened. narrator/scout: Atticus nodded and turned and poured him some coffee when we heard Jem.
Jem: Atticus, Atticus where are you where’s scout is scout okay I I tried to stop him but I couldn’t he was to strong. Where’s scout?
Scout: here I am Jem I’m okay. I hugged Jem
Atticus: be careful of his arm okay scout?
Narrator/scout: Atticus called to cal telling her to call dr. Reynolds
Atticus: cal would you call dr. Reynolds so he can put a permanent cast on Jem?
Cal: yes sir
Narrator/scout: Jem and I were alone now after he got his cast and I told Jem everything that happened that night.
Jem: so you got to see boo and he was right here in