Because those same standards define how communication between different hardware and software involved, will take place.
The difference is between signal circuits and power circuits. Signal circuits operate at extremely low current levels and use digital logic voltage levels. Power circuits on the other hand require larger amounts of current to operate electrical devices such as motors, heating units
A very common application is the health care field. Shielded copper cable is often used in health care facilities for its efficiency and resistance to flame. The use of shielded cables in security systems provides some protection from power frequency and radio frequency interference, reducing the number of false alarms being generated. The best practice is to keep data or signal cables physically separated by at least 3 inches (75mm) from 'heavy' power circuits which are in parallel.
white/green stripe white/orange stripe green solid orange solid white/orange stripe white/green strip blue solid blue solid white/blue stripe white/blue stripe orange solid green solid white/brown stripe white/brown stripe brown solid brown solid
Coaxial cable conducts electrical signal using an inner conductor surrounded by an insulating layer and all enclosed by a shield, typically one to four layers of woven metallic braid and metallic tape. The cable is protected by an outer insulating jacket. Normally, the shield is kept at ground potential and a voltage is applied to the center conductor to carry electrical signals
UTP is less expensive than dedicated coax or fiber, Color-coded cabling, physically smaller than coax, easiest media to install and reconfigure, UTP is extremely easy to terminate. TP cable is less expensive per foot than traditional RG59 coaxial cable
Both cables are necessary
Multimeter - Wal-Mart- Cost: $36.89
Tone Generator – Lowes – Cost: $39.05
Pair scanner – Ebay – Cost: $149.00
Time domain