1. What needs does Pixar appeal to through its commitment to creative innovation and excellence?
We think Pixar appeal to these “equivalent” need theories: McGregor’s Y Theory, Aldefer’s growth need, McClelland’s need for achievement and Maslow’s self-actualization such as creativity, spontaneity and problem solving through its commitment to creative innovation and excellence. Self-actualizers live creatively and fully sharing their potentials just as Pixar executives do, they are visionaries and are always encouraging innovation, creativity and quality in every sense.; they ensure that every movie gets the best efforts of the company's "brainy staff of animators, storytellers, and technologists”. All the things mentioned above about this Pixar case fit the characteristics of these needs theories.
2. What is important to you in terms of your personal work motivation? How do the things that motivate you fit with Pixar's approach to motivating employees?
For us even though economic factor in motivation are pretty important and sometimes determinant for job stability, these are not the most important. We think that the fact that we are young and new in the work field, financial incentives can be pretty decisive when engaging in a job because of the circumstances that we are in of building our lives and beginning a life of independency but when as we grow up and have a stable life and experience non economic motivation could be more important in order to have a good performance at work because just money is not going to keep you happy in a job if your work conditions and environment in there are precarious. We think motivation should be an hybrid between both financial and psychological incentives in order for it to be successful, both have to be integrated.
The things that motivate us fit with Pixar’s to the extent that their key employees receive significant financial incentives, but that does