concentration of people (urban areas), industrialization and the distance needed to get to and from work created increased need for mobility. Mobile society and mass transit made it possible to use the city streets as form of advertisements pg 267 capitalist society is dependent on the overproduction of goods, so increasing desire for products is a must pg 267 therapeutic discourse is the promise of self fulfillment or cure to some ailment the consumer is suffering; this is a large part of advertisements. pg 269
Dr Pepper Ad
Dr Pepper Ad shopping from a task to fun with the creation of a fun place to shop which eventually lead to the development of malls. pg 270 flanuers and flanuese pg 272 envy, desire, belonging
advertisements speak the language of transformation. present figures to consumers that are glamorous, those who have already transformed, perfect yet somehow attainable. pg 275
Connection to art can give a sense of prestige, wealth.
Advertising tries to create a consumer relationship to the brands to establish them as familiar, essential and even lovable. pg 276
Ads set up a particular relationship between the signifier (the product) and the signified (its meaning) to sell the products and the connotations we attach to those products. pg 276
Can sell the sense of belonging or difference/otherness of a product. pg 277
On 278 there is an explanation about advertising being situated in the future[berger] and the fact that we are searching for something to make us whole, since we were when inside the mother[lacan]. Advertising helps to fuel this drive to find wholeness by promoting products commodity culture and commodity fetishism
consumer culture is a commodity culture – one where commodities are central to cultural meaning. commodity self – ourselves are constructed in part through the things that we use. pg 279 like a way to express personality. difference between exchange value of goods because of the