What is buy-side e-commerce?
What is sell e-commerce?
State two reason for the steady growth of online purchases as a percent of total retail sales.
What is a key benefit for producers of using B2C e-commerce to sell directly to the consumer, thus eliminating middlemen?
Identify the six stages consumers experience in the sales life cycle that must be supported by a successful e-commerce system.
Identify three key challenges that an organization must overcome to convert its business processes from the traditional form to e-commerce processes.
What is identity theft?
Provide several tips for online shopping to avoid identity theft.
Outline at least three specific trust-building strategies for an organization to gain the trust of consumers.
What is mobile commerce?
How big is the mobile commerce market in the U.S.?
What is electronic retailing?
What is an electronic exchange?
What is market segmentation?
What has happen recently that makes it easier for B2B marketers to perform market segmentation?
What is the Wireless Application Protocol?
Is it universally accepted? Why or why not?
Why is it necessary to continue to maintain and improve an existing Web site?
What role do digital certificates and certificate authorities play in e-commerce?
Briefly explain the differences among smart, credit, charge, debit cards, and p-cards.
Because e-commerce and m-commerce systems are global systems, what are some of the global challenges that they face?
Identify the key elements of the technology infrastructure required to successfully implement e-commerce within an