Healthy and Safety: The Law * Canada- approx. more than 16 billion days lost per year to accidents and injuries costing over $10 billion to economy * Occupational health and safety is regulated by federal, provincial and territorial gov’ts. * Health and safety legislation has decreased workplace accidents
Occupational injury - Any cut, fracture, sprain, or amputation resulting from a workplace accident. * Injuries to back occur most frequently
Occupational illness- Abnormal condition or disorder resulting from exposure to environmental factors in the workplace
Acts and Regulations * Occupational Health and Safety legislation differs w/ jurisdiction to govern the duties and responsibilities of the gov’t, employers and employees. * Ontario legislation is covered in the Occupational Health and Safety Act/ Workplace Safety and Insurance Act * Administered by WSIB (Ontario).
Duties and responsibities as required by OHS laws * Employer: * Fundamental duty of every employer to take every reasonable precaution to ensure employee safety and provide a hazard free workplace * Comply w/ laws and regulations * Inform employees (supervisors) about safety and health requirements * If required appoint safety officer or form Joint Health & safety committee * Keep records * Compile annual summary of work-related injuries/illnesses * Ensure supervisors are familiar w/ work and assoc. hazards * Report accident to WCB * Provide safety training
* Workers: * Required to comply w/ all acts and regulations * Must report hazardous conditions or defective equipment * Must follow all employer’s H&S rules/regulations * Right to refuse unsafe work without fear of reprisal but must immediate report concern to supervisor to trigger work-refusal investigation )that may