Chapter 8
Product, Services, and Branding
Product, Services, and Branding Strategy
Topic Outline
• What Is a Product?
• Product and Services Decisions
• Branding Strategy: Building Strong
• Services Marketing
What Is a Product?
Products, Services, and Experiences
Product is anything that can be offered in a market for attention, use, or consumption that might satisfy a need or want.
• Apple IPod, Toyota, Caffé Mocha at Starbucks
Service is a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in ownership
• Advice from your family Doctor, banking, hotel, airline
What Is a Product?
Products, Services, and Experiences
Product is the key element in the overall market offering. This offering becomes the basis upon which the company builds profitable relationships with customers. •
A company’s market offering often includes both tangible goods and intangible services •
To differentiate their offers, beyond simply making products and delivering services, they are creating and managing experience with their products or services. •
Experiences have always been important in the entertainment industry (Disney).
Companies that market experience realize that customers are really buying much more than just products and services. They are buying what those offers will do for them.
What Is a Product?
Levels of Product and Services
• Product planners need to think about products and services on three levels:
1. Core benefits
2. Actual product
3. Augmented product
What Is a Product?
Levels of Product and Services
1. Core benefits
The most basic level
Addresses the question what is the buyer really buying?
When designing products, marketers must first define the core, problem-solving benefits or services that consumer seek.
People who buy BlackBerry are buying more than a wireless mobile phone, e-mail and