-In 1789, the American people had a new Constitution. They also had a new Congress and their first President.
-The United States was one fourth of its size today. All thirteen states were in the East.
-The nation’s western border followed the Mississippi River. In the North, the Great Lakes formed much of the border separating the United States from British-controlled Canada.
-In the South, the United States bordered on Spanish-controlled Florida and Louisiana.
-In April of 1789, George Washington traveled from Virginia to the nation’s capital, New York City, to be gin his term as the first President of the United States.
-Washington’s journey along bumpy roads took eight days.
-Large crowds lined the streets.
-As one newspaper reported Americans greatly admired the tall, stately war hero.
-The American Revolution had left the nation deeply in debt.
-The federal government owed $52 million.
-That debt was mainly in the form of bonds.
-Both Americans and foreigners had invested in bonds to help the war efforts.
-Would the government pay back this debt? The answer. NOT YET.
-The person responsible for developing a plan to solve the country’s financial crisis was Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of treasury.
-Hamilton’s program had three parts: (1) The U.S. government would fully assume, or agree to pay, all federal and state debts. (2) The U.S. government would charter a national bank for depositing government funds. (3) The government would impose a high tax on goods imported into the country.
-In 1791, Congress imposed a tax on whiskey made and sold in the United States.
-Hamilton hoped this tax would raise funds for the Treasury.
-Instead, it led to revolt that tested the strength of the new government.
Chapter 8 Section 2
-The arguments over Hamilton’s financial plan reflected serious disagreements among the new nation’s leaders.
-Americans also disagreed about the role of their nation’s government.
-The Framers of the Constitution did