Rathus stated in the text, “On the negative side, firstborn and only children show somewhat greater anxiety levels and are somewhat less self-reliant than later-born children” (Rathus, 2015). When it comes to greater anxiety levels, I, like many other people, experience occasional anxiety. However, I am not sure if I would be considered to have a greater anxiety lever. I find that I do easily get “worked-up” about certain things, but I am unsure if this is due to anxiety or passion …show more content…
Are there any delays with certain social behavioral development due to the lack of an older sibling to observe or interact with? Have there been any cases where social behavior of the older sibling and the younger sibling has been switched? Why does the social behavior of younger siblings develop differently when we learn so much through observation and experience? If the parents use the same techniques with both children and show equal attention, would we still see different developments of social behavior? In a situation where a family has twins, do they see the same type of social behavior developments between older and younger twins? Does the slight time difference in birth have any effect on social behavior