Seville is the capital of the Almoravid Dynasty. This being a capital and a large market place many people gathered here Ibn felt as if rules needed to be in place. These vary from what cheese can be sold, how to weigh fish, or what glass a glass maker can make and the sale. Pretty simple rules to follow. Ibn then starts to mention the role women should partake in the Seville market.
Women were forbidden to wash in the garden. Women were not allowed to sit by the riverbank if men were already there. Muslim women were not allowed to enter abominable churches. Women were not allowed in the house of a priest if he refuses marriage. Women dancers were not allowed to show their heads. Also, before clothing was sold on the market the ogrin had to be known. Abdun ties in the rules of the market with rules for women. The rules of the market suddenly transformed into the do’s and don'ts of the women of