Dancing with the Devil focus on the inevitable change in our education system. As technology rapidly becomes implemented with teaching and learning, academic institutions must find ways to adept to the new era of education. The institutions that find the means to adapt will thrive, while the one’s that stick with their status quo and traditions will be at great risk. With education reform coming, we must prepare our schools to adept to the changes that this information era requires of them. There are three forces that drive the change in our education. The first force is financial imperative. Financial imperative is the nature of rapid cost and shortage of public support in our higher education. The growing societal demands for higher education with little public support cause a harsh strain to many colleges and universities. Many of these higher education institutions are looking for new ways to control the costs and the quality of their services. It is clear that higher education in America must find a way to restore the balance between the costs and availability of educational …show more content…
Societal needs refer to the constant demands oh higher education in our society. Today, the number of graduated students is increase exponentially. Out of these students, there are an increasing number of older adults with diverse social and economic background attending higher institutions. This shows that higher education is becoming less of a luxury and more of a necessity and norm. To meet the growing demands of higher education, existing institutions will have to change significantly, or new types of institutions will have to be formed.
Technology drivers are the third forces that push education reform. As technology advances, its impact on education grows. Many of the education services provided by higher institutions rely heavily on technology. Due to this, it is important to careful steer and control technology in higher