Chapter 1: The Problem of Production
“One reason for overlooking this vital fact is that we are estranged from reality and inclined to treat as valueless everything that we have not made ourselves.” (15) Human nature Because of modern technology and advancements, we don’t see the same amount of value in something we buy vs. something we make ourselves. Due human nature, it is our instinct to treat something we buy as less valuable. Our problem is that in 2013 kids are asking for more and becoming more greedy. One reason people see less value in things they buy is because they have more pride in something they make themselves. Instead of making our own products, we go out and buy them because we feel as if this is easier and less time consuming. This is called human nature. …show more content…
Chapter 2: Peace and Permanence
“There are poor societies that have too little; but where is the rich society that says: “Halt!
We have enough”? There is none.” (25) then and now E.F Schumacher shows an example of how greedy humans can be when they always want more even if there is no more. In societies, rich people feel as if they deserve to have more and the poor just strive for necessities. In the present, the poor third world countries hope to make it through the day and the rich are still hoping for things they can achieve and expecting just because of their importance to the world. The rich people see what they have and want more because they think this is good for them, making them selfish and greedy. In my opinion, the rich should focus more on the poor, which makes them better people, as well as focus less on materialistic objects.
Chapter 3: The Role of Economics
“...the pursuit of, to the mass of mankind, the great source of moral improvement.” (43) then and
now What Schumacher is trying to say is rich and needy men focus more on trying to become wealthier in their society and expand on materialistic objects instead of focusing on the self fulfillment of becoming wealthier inside themselves. This idea falls under the then and now category because even in 2013 people tend to focus on investments and becoming richer than they are, instead of wanting to improve themselves such as helping people or being charitable. If people want to change the way they act and how society views rich people, they need to help others and expand their wealthiness.
Chapter 4: Buddhist Economy
“Modern economics does not distinguish between renewable and non-renewable materials, as its very method is to equalise and quantify everything by means of a money price.” (64) then and now What this quote is saying is that people in the business of materials, do not focus on if the product will be extinct in the near future, only if there is a profit made by this product. I put this under the then and now category because people in America rely and consume the Middle East’s product of oil and we abuse the amount of oil we have. The supply is limited which makes the profit increase and people don’t care that resources could potentially be extinct, and they use up all that is offered. I think that we should limit the amount of resources we buy and people need to stop being greedy and wanting more of what could not be soon.