Habib (Fadi’s father) tells his family they are moving to America because Zafoona (Fadi’s mother) is very sick and they need better medical care. Another reason is because the Taliban has made it very difficult for them to live in Afghanistan. (Chapter 1) Fadi and his family leave for America. As they were running to catch the truck, Mariam wanted Fadi to put her Barbie in his backpack but they didn’t have time. Then suddenly the Taliban showed up, so they ran but there were too many people and Fadi let go of her hand and she fell. Mariam was now stuck in Afghanistan while the rest of the family left. (Chapter 2)
Walking home from school Fadi went to see Noor in McDonalds, when he went in he saw Noor sitting with a boy, Fadi thinks it could be her boyfriend. (Chapter 9 pgs. 103-103) …show more content…
He plans on hiding in his dads taxi when he goes to the airport. Then get out and take a plane to get her. His plan was very poorly figured out. (Chapter 10 pgs. 110- 113)
Fadi gets caught in his father’s trunk when he tried to open it up and it didn’t work. Habib and the customer in the taxi found him. Habib explains that Fadi’s plan would have never worked. (Chapter 10/11)
Noor tells Fadi the boy she was with was just a friend. She also gives Fadi money to enter a contest in his photo club. The winner wins a trip to India. If Fadi won a trip to India he could go to Afghanistan and find Mariam. (Chapter 12 pgs. 130-131)
9/11 has happened, Terrorists have crashed planes into two skyscrapers in new york and the pentagon on Washington, D.C. (Chapter 12 pgs. 134-