Explain and evaluate Rene Descartes argument for knowledge including the role of skepticism, the
evil demon, and god in resolving his doubts.
Descartes's believed he could doubt everything that could be doubted, and the remainder was be the absolute certain. He utilized skepticism as a means to achieve certainty. To doubt every proposition he utilized the dream and evil demon conjectures. It was questionable whether he was dreaming, or was it actually realty. By trying to prove himself awake, during the time in which he was actually dreaming.
During the evil demon conjecture,he brought to question whether a demon wishing to deceive at every turn; having brung about uncertainty in proposition what be found to be truth or false. It is impossible to doubt your existence, because you must exist to simply question it.
Descartes believed what he perceived clearly and distinctly is that God would be the cause for his hand to move freely, not his mind. As God is the divine coordinator. He disconnected metaphysical through
“what is”, and brought other philosophers to become divided about the power of reason in overcoming skepticism. 2)
Explain and evaluate Thomas Hobbes view that all objects are material, including thoughts, feelings and ideas.
Hobbes believed that all things are made up of material pieces, and that all change reduces to motion i.e bodies in motion. He attempted to show “perception” where all other mental phenomena are derived , and how the perception reduces the matter in motion. The things that are real outside of us, are the motions by which they are caused. Adding that thinking was a sequence of memory or imagination. 3)
Explain and evaluate John Locke’s Theory of Representative Realism and of primary and secondary qualities. Locke believed that all of our ideas come from experience. He notes that our minds begin as a blank slate, and as we progress through life