How do film makers explore their ideas and keep the audience interested? In your answer refer to the two films studied in class.
Film makers explore their ideas and keep audiences interested in many ways. In the genre power chicks the film makers represent the changing roles of woman through making fun of stereotypes, and empowering woman.
The power chicks genre is everywhere From Pink to Buffy, Charlie's Angels to Lara Croft … our large and small screens as well as our radios are deep in this newly empowered genre, And in film it is working great with film makers exploring new avenues keeping the audience interested. ‘’the new force in popular culture” They are indeed a new breed of the female icon. The brazen, strong, sexy …show more content…
The opening shots of this scene are low angle shots of skyscrapers this shot conveys a sense of importance and glamour to the building where the events of the chapter take place. The soundtrack at this point is Independent woman, which like its title is a sign of the times in empowerment towards woman, ideal for the power chick genre. The long shot of the high class party emphasizes the mise-en-scene and the idea that ‘’power chicks’’ work in a glamorous environment. The following shot is of a limousine where the angels are using gizmos and other technologies implying their superior intelligence, this use of luxury, sexiness and intelligence keeps audience of both genders entertained. A scene in this chapter also involves Natalie using sexual power over men; she awe’s the bartender which becomes more back-story throughout the movie causing the audience to keep track of plot lines further involving them within the …show more content…
This ‘’power’’ image she posses is intriguing to the audience as the image is almost exclusively male. In chapter 1 of the film it opens with an extreme close up of something then pulls back to reveal Lara’s eye and face, this interests the audience as it is alluring to find out what the image is. The background music suggests both suspense and an exotic atmosphere. The suspense draws the audience in and as she flips from a rope and lands in an anticipated stance the audience is in expectation as there is both audio and visual pointing to a climax of suspense. The camera then zooms in for a close up of her legs which for the male sector of the audience is particularly exciting, only adding to the excitement are the two large guns, which are again part of the power chick image as males are the ones usually skilled with weapons. As Lara walks through an idyllically lighted entrance a high angle long shot is shown, this usually makes the person look powerless, but it is subverted in this context and there is no suggestion that Lara is weak or vulnerable. The action sequence which follows uses extremely quick cuts increase the intensity of the action there is also an upbeat background rhythm that adds to the sequence. At the conclusion of the chapter she has a shower which she