A mixed up life, one big decision. Ashleigh is a girl that lives with her mother in a divorced family. Her mom is always trying to be the responsible adult, which makes her the bad guy in most situations. While her dad, who calls her Ashes, has a vivid imagination and a kind heart. Ashleigh has always favored her dad over her mom resulting in a strong connection between them. Being in debt has corrupted her dad, and leads to him asking Ashleigh to steal her mom’s money. Ashleigh stole her mom’s money because she thinks the money will be returned, she doesn’t want her dad getting hurt, and she doesn’t want to disappoint her dad.
Ashleigh believes her dad will return her mom’s money. Her dad has always been a honest and compassionate person. “And I swear to you, Ashes, I’d have the money in your hands by Friday at the latest”(Pfeffer 4). Ashes always viewed her father as honest and a person who puts others before himself, so when he swears to return the …show more content…
Ashes and her dad always had a strong bond. “I wouldn’t ask have any other dad, I told him. My friends’ fathers, they just tell my friends to study more. They never tell them they have flair or style” (Pfeffer 2). Since Ashes was born her dad always flooded her with compliments and love. She’s always returned him with the same love,respect, and obedience. He uses this bond to trick her into taking the money. “I had a thought, he said as he reached for my pickle. Your mother keeps a couple hundred cash at her place” (Pfeffer 3). When her dad felt like he had a bit of hope Ashes wanted to support him like he does with her. “That winter it felt like every time I saw my father, the sun cast off just a little more warmth than it had the day before” (Pfeffer 1). Feeling very appreciated and joyful whenever her dad was around, strengthen Ashes and her father's relationship, but overall just being his child made her feel that she already had to obey