Catherine in “Proof”
1. a) Act I: Scene One “I feel old.” –pg. 6. True, her dad at his intellectual peak was twenty-two. “I’m not alone.” False, she is alone, she’s talking to a ghost. “Because in order for your friends to take you out you generally have to have friends.” –pg 7. True, she doesn’t have any friends. “Well now I’ve forgotten.” –pg 8. False, she wants to forget. “I haven’t been lazy. I’ve been taking care of you.” True. “I’ve lost a few days.” True, more than a few. “I haven’t done anything good.” –pg 9. True, not yet. “I’m not.” –pg 11. False, she is asking indirectly. “I’M not crazy.” –pg 14. False, she doesn’t know. “…I’m glad he’s dead.” –pg 17. True in a way. False in a way. “I’m fine.” –pg 18. False, she says it to convince herself. “I’m PARANOID?” True, she doesn’t think she is.
Scene Two: “I’m feeling okay, Claire, stop saying that.” –pg 22. False. “Physically? Great. Except my hair seems kind of unhealthy, I wish there were something I could do about that.” –pg 24. False, she’s mocking Claire. “I thought the house was being robbed.” True. “No. I changed my mind.” True. “I didn’t really want them to come.” True. “I was trying to get this guy out of the house.” True. “I was waiting for him to finish and last night I thought he might have been stealing them.” –pg 25. True. “YES. So I told him to go.” True. “Yes. That’s why I called the police.” True. “I let him go so he could play with his band on the north side.” True. “He wanted me to come with him but I was like Yeah, right.” True. “No! ... What? Euughh! No! He’s a math geek!” True, they are not involved. “How should I know.” True, she doesn’t know the name. “No. I don’t know.” True. “I was here ALONE—“ –pg 26. True. “We weren’t ‘partying’!” True. “With no one.”
Bibliography: "Proof" by David Auburn.