The story takes place at 'mama 's ' house, where Maggie and Mrs. Johnson were at their home waiting for Dee to come for a visit. She had gone off to Georgia for college to make a bigger and better life, and was coming home to visit her family. The story was set after their first home had burned down, when Maggie was incidentally burned and scarred at a young age. Maggie is more developed as a character once Dee arrives at the home.
The traits of Maggie were apparently different from Dee in that she wasn 't handed life 's opportunities and when it came to Dee, "that, 'no ' is a word the world never learned to say to her" (73). This statement in the beginning of the story brings an understanding as to the feelings that Maggie has conjured up while living in the shadow of an older sister. Alice Walker molded one daughter from the other, taking the strengths and qualities of Dee and omitting them in Maggie. Although Maggie does have strengths of her own, she is a character that unfortunately has a simple life and has made complex problems for herself. Learning more about Maggie 's character could be drawn from learning about Dee 's character as well. Maggie seems to be the pessimist, although she is only reacting to her sisters dramatic and overbearing presence. This shows true symbolic meaning when Dee arrives at their home and wants to take all of the important
Cited: Walker, Alice. "Everyday Use." Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing.Compact ed. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs. New Jersey. Prentice,1998. 73-78.