The communities secrets were no longer in the dark for him. He learned about the flaws in his communities system. The most surprising and devastating thing he learned was that they had taken away from them the feelings of love and real emotions in general. He became much more sensitive towards everything. What used to be just innocent games of battle between children, turned into flashbacks of war and terror from the past. He knew that some memories were painful but there was also pleasant ones mixed in. They really opened his eyes to how much the community was missing. He felt sorry for them. This caused him to turn into a person that was emotional, brave, considerate, curios and most of all different or
The communities secrets were no longer in the dark for him. He learned about the flaws in his communities system. The most surprising and devastating thing he learned was that they had taken away from them the feelings of love and real emotions in general. He became much more sensitive towards everything. What used to be just innocent games of battle between children, turned into flashbacks of war and terror from the past. He knew that some memories were painful but there was also pleasant ones mixed in. They really opened his eyes to how much the community was missing. He felt sorry for them. This caused him to turn into a person that was emotional, brave, considerate, curios and most of all different or