The beginning of the story is about just a normal day at the grocery store. Sammy is a nineteen year old store clerk and it is obvious that he does not like his job and only works there to pacify his parents because they are good friends with the manager. Soon, however, the entrance of the three girls in swimsuits quickly breaks the monotony. Through Sammy’s thoughts and actions as events take place, one can conclude that Sammy is disrespectful, judgmental, and possesses an overall lack of responsibility. Being a typical teenager, Sammy does not hold very much respect for adults at all. This is first evident in how he refers to the woman who’s items he rang up wrong as “witch about fifty” and also by how he says that “if she’d been born at the right time they would have burned her over in Salem”. Sammy also shows disrespect toward the adult in the gray pants by saying, “what do these bums do with all that pineapple juice?” A trait that is shown throughout the story is Sammy’s impeccable observation skills. He notices everything around him, and he drinks in every detail of the girls’ physical appearance, from the texture and patterns of their bathing
Cited: Updike, John. "A&P”. Roberts, Edgar V. and Zweig, Robert. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2012. 311-15. Print.