In the novel Angela's Ashes, Angela was the mother of many children and the wife to a man with a drinking problem. The family lived in very poor conditions while the husband jumped from job to job, not providing for the family. In the Novel Angela seemed very cold hearted and unmotivated at first, making her look like a bad mother. As the reader got to look closer into Angela's character there were many examples which proved that she was a good mother, and she was doing the best that she could do given the poor circumstances.
The first example shows Angela's parenting style, she was strict and clearly distinguished what is right from what is wrong. The example taken from the novel showing this is:
Malachy goes down. …show more content…
She began to question him and accuse him of planning to go out and spend his money on alcohol, instead of using it to provide food for the family:
On the morning of the fourth Friday of Dad's job Mam asks him if he'll be home tonight with his wages or will he drink everything again?… Mam keeps at him. I'm asking you, are you coming home so that we can have a bit of supper or will it be midnight with no money in your pocket and you singing Kevin Barry and the rest of the sad songs? (25,26).
The quote proves that Angela was sick and tired of Malachy wasting all of his money on alcohol, and not bringing It home so his family can eat. Angela wanted the money to be brought home so she could provide a proper meal for her children who were starving.
The next example proves that Angela was presenting a good image of herself to her children. Angela always paid her bills and was honest, showing her children to do the same:
The Italian says, Missus, you always pay your bill sooner or later and you can have anything you Like in this store. Oh, she says, I don’t want much. Anything you like, missus, because I know you're an honest woman and you got a bunch o' nice kids there.