At this point, my family and care system consisted mainly of my mother, father, older sister, dog Biff, my maternal grandmother, and family friends. My older sister Libby was thrilled with her new baby sister, thinking I was quite adorable... until I pooped or started crying. On the other hand, my sister was extremely jealous of any attention I got, expressing she felt unloved, and tantruming whenever my parents would give me attention. Then there was my dad, who loved to make silly faces at me and engage in playtime, but also helped my mom with a portion of the basic caretaking too. However, the caretaker I bonded most with was my mom. She fed me, changed me, held me, put me to bed, bathed me, and did everything else a neonate requires. Furthermore, she and the rest of my immediate family helped to advance my language skills and create secure attachments with me through speaking to me, responding to my needs, cuddling with me, and reading to me for example (Rathus, 2011, p. 117). In technical terms, my mother demonstrated an authoritative style of parenting in which she showed me lots of love and care, but also set limits and restrictions to keep me safe and well-behaved. My father on the other hand, was permissive-indulgent which essentially means he was very loving and involved in my life, but he didn’t set very many restrictions for me or enforce discipline. Overall, I was very lucky to have…