Fictional characters become so interesting in literature. The two most common characters are the protagonist and the antagonist. They are the highlighters of the story. Protagonist characters are those who play the chief part of the story. While the antagonist are those characters who oppose the work and plan of the protagonist. These characters have different personalities and may also have different personality type.
Personality is a unique behavior of individual. This includes attitudes, modes of thought, feelings, impulses, strivings, and actions, responses to opportunity and stress and everyday modes of interacting with others. …show more content…
Personality types of characters can be analyzed using psychological analysis. Psychological analysis or psychoanalysis is a branch of psychiatry founded by Sigmund Freud devoted to the study of the psychology of human development and behavior. From its systematized method for investigating the processes of the mind evolved a system of psychotherapy based on the concepts of a dynamic unconscious. By using such techniques as free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of defense mechanisms, emotions and behavior are traced to the influence of repressed instinctual drives in the unconscious. Treatment consists of helping the individual become aware of the existence of repressed emotional conflicts, analyzing their origin and through the process of insight by bringing them into the consciousness so that irrational and maladaptive behavior can be altered. The researcher tries to identify the personality types of the characters- protagonist and antagonist. The researcher finds this study interesting since characters in short stories play a big role in making the story interesting. Further, she tries to look into the effects of the personality types of the protagonist and the antagonist. She feels that looking into the effects of the personality type of the antagonist may help understand why some incidents in the story happened.
Statement of the Problem
This study will answer the following problems:
1. What dominant personality types does the following character have?
a) Protagonist
b) Antagonist
2. How does the personality type of the antagonist affect the personality type of the protagonist?
Conceptual Framework
This study is anchored on the study of concept of Semi (1993) on Psychological Analysis, and Oldham’s (1984) concept on Personality Type.
Semi (1993), stressed that psychological analysis is an analysis on the basis of assumptions that literary works always discuss about incident or events of human beings life. Psychological analysis is used to analyze the character in novel, short stories and other literary works. Usually it is related not only with behavior, but also personality of the character. As personality forms inclination towards certain characteristics reactions in any given situation personality types are likely to influence attitude and behavior. It is used in literary analysis to discuss about every human being events or incidents.
Oldham (1984), poses that one’s personality is comprised of sixteen types, each exerting a certain influence over people. Some types play heavily in the personality, others are virtually non-existent. Some people have no predominant types and are well rounded. Still, everyone has one type that is predominant, and this can be referred as the basic style. The few styles immediately behind the basic types also play an important role in the personality and are called supporting types. Oldham’s (1984) sixteen (16) personality types: conscientious, sensitive, vigilant, dramatic, aggressive, idiosyncratic, inventive, solitary, leisurely, self-confident, serious, self-sacrificing, devoted, adventurous, mercurial, and exuberant personality. Oldham defined the conscientious personality type as hardworking. People who are conscientious are dedicated to work, works very hard, and capable of intense, single-minded effort. They believe in the right thing. To be conscientious is to be a person of conscience. These are men and women of strong moral principles and values. Opinions and beliefs on any subject are rarely held lightly. Conscientious individuals want to do the right thing. They do things the right way. Everything must be done "right," and the conscientious person has a clear understanding of what that means, from the correct way to balance the check book, to the best strategy to achieve the boss 's objectives, to how to fit every single dirty dish into the dishwasher. However they are very perfectionist. The conscientious person likes all tasks and projects to be complete to the final detail, without even minor flaws. They are perseverant; they stick to their convictions and opinions. Opposition only serves to strengthen their dogged determination. Also they are in order and detail. Conscientious people like the appearance of orderliness and tidiness. They are good organizers, catalogers, and list makers. No detail is too small for conscientious consideration. And they are really prudence. Thrifty, careful, and cautious in all areas of their lives, conscientious individuals do not give in to reckless abandon or wild excess. The conscientious person saves and collects things; reluctant to discard anything that has, formerly had, or someday may have value for him or her in short he or she is an accumulator. The sensitive personality type individual prefers the known to the unknown. They are comfortable with, even inspired by, habit, repetition, and routine. They are concern and care deeply about what other people think of them. They circumspect on where they behave with deliberate discretion, in their dealings with other. They do not make hasty judgments or jump in before they know what is appropriate. They have this polite reserve on which they also socially take care to maintain a courteous, self-restrained demeanor. The role on which they function best in scripted settings, vocationally and socially: when they know precisely what is expected of them, how they are supposed to relate to others, and what they are expected to say. They like privacy. Sensitive men and women are not quick to share their innermost thoughts and feelings with others, even those they know well. The vigilant personality types are people with autonomy. Vigilant-style individuals possess a resilient independence. They keep their own counsel, they require no outside reassurance or advice, they make decisions easily, and they can take care of themselves. Cautious, they are careful in their dealings with other and prefer to size up a person before entering into a relationship. Perceptiveness is one common attitude which vigilant people have. They are good listener with an ear for subtlety, tone, and multiple levels of communication. They are survivors in self-defense. Individuals with vigilant style are feisty and do not hesitate to stand up for themselves, especially when they are under attack. They developed alertness to criticism. They take criticism very seriously, without becoming intimidated. They place a high premium on fidelity and loyalty. They work hard to earn it, and they never take it for granted. Dramatic personality types are dramatic men and women who live in an emotional world. They are sensation oriented, emotionally demonstrative, and physically affectionate. They react emotionally to events and can shift quickly from mood to mood. They experience life vividly and expansively. They have rich imaginations, they tell entertaining stories, and they are drawn to romance and melodrama. Dramatic people like to be seen and noticed. They are often the center of attention, and they rise to the occasion when all eyes are on them. They pay a lot of attention to grooming, and they enjoy clothes, style, and fashion. In appearance and behavior, dramatic individuals enjoy their sexuality. They are seductive, engaging, charming tempters and temptresses. Easily putting their trust in others, they are able to become quickly involved in relationships. People with dramatic personality style eagerly respond to new ideas and suggestions from others. Aggressive personality type is highly in command manner .Aggressive individuals take charge. They are comfortable with power, authority, and responsibility. They believe in hierarchy. They operate best within a traditional power structure where everyone knows his or her place and the lines of authority are clear. And implement tight ship. They are highly disciplined and impose rules of order that they expect others in their charge to follow. They are expedience. Aggressive men and women are highly goal-directed. They take a practical, pragmatic approach to accomplishing their objectives. They do what is necessary to get the job done. The guts on which they are neither squeamish nor fainthearted. They can function well and bravely in difficult and dangerous situations without being distracted by fear or horror. Rough-and-tumble. Aggressive people like action and adventure. They are physically assertive and often participate in or enjoy playing competitive sports, especially contact sports. The idiosyncratic personality type believes that your interests lie in not being like anyone else, marching to your own beat, being unconventional, being original, and standing out from the crowd. Their main interest were being tuned in to and sustained by your own feelings and belief system ,being self-directed and independent; requiring few close relationships ,ignoring convention; creating an interesting, unusual, and eccentric lifestyle ,being open to anything; being interested in the occult, the extrasensory, and the supernatural ,engaging in abstract and speculative thinking being inner-directed; following your own heart and mind; being a keen observer of others; being sensitive to how other people react to you. Inventive personality type, are people of Status. Individuals of the inventive personality type are highly competitive in pursuit of success and prestige. They want very much to be outstanding in some way, to gain recognition, even fame and glory. They develop highly idealized images of themselves with which they identify and which they love. The person is his idealized self and seems to adore it. Persons of the inventive type are energetic, but phlegmatic in temperament. "They can be quiet, rather private, subdued in demeanor, and have artistic interests and aesthetic sensibilities. Attention. Individuals of the Inventive type have a tendency to behave in such a way as to attract attention. "They can be subtle show-offs, but show-offs nonetheless.” The inventive person has unusual thought processes, values intellectual matters, and judges in unconventional terms. He or she is aesthetically reactive and has a wide range of interests. "Intelligence will typically be emphasized in their self-images and social dealings." They put great stock in their ideas and demand that others do likewise. The faith of those of the Inventive type is "in their ability to improvise something, and they display an unusual talent for rising to the expediency of a situation)." Their focus is on competent excellence in performance. The inventive type maintains an independent view and is "the most reluctant of all the types to do things in a particular manner just because that is the way things always have been done." They are inventors and innovators. They are mentally bright and quick-witted. For those of the Inventive type "to be taken in, to be manipulated by another, is humiliating; this offends their joy in being masters of the art of oneupmanship." Solitary personality type individuals have small need of companionship and are most comfortable alone. They are self-contained and do not require interaction with others in order to enjoy their experiences or to get on in life. Solitary men and women are even-tempered, calm, dispassionate, unsentimental, and unflappable. They display an apparent indifference to pain and pleasure. They are not driven by sexual needs. They enjoy sex but will not suffer in its absence. They are unswayed by either praise or criticism and can confidently come to terms with their own behaviour. Leisurely personality type, are men and women believe in their right to enjoy themselves on their own terms in their own time. They value and protect their comfort, their free time, and their individual pursuit of happiness. They agree to play by the rules. They deliver what is expected of them and no more. They expect others to recognize and respect that limit. Leisurely individuals cannot be exploited. They can comfortably resist acceding to demands that they deem unreasonable or above and beyond the call of duty. Leisurely men and women are relaxed about time. Unlike Type-A individuals, they are not obsessed by time urgency or the demands of the clock. To these individuals, haste makes waste and unnecessary anxiety. They are easygoing and optimistic that whatever needs to get done will get done, eventually. They are not overawed by authority. They accept themselves and their approach to life. Leisurely people believe that they are just as good as everyone else and as entitled to the best things in life. They maintain that blind luck often accounts for who fares well and who fares poorly. Although they feel impelled to proceed in their own direction, when their choices put them in conflict with the people they care for, Leisurely people are often of two minds about how to proceed. They do not like to risk important relationships, yet they need to feel free. The self-confident personality types are individuals that believe in themselves and in their abilities. They have no doubt that they are unique and special and that there is a reason for their being on this planet. They expect others to treat them well at all times. Self-confident people are unabashedly open about their aspirations and possibilities. They are able to take advantage of the strengths and abilities of other people in order to achieve their goals, and they are shrewd in their dealings with others. They are able competitors, they love getting to the top, and they enjoy staying there. They identify with people of high rank and status. Self-confident individuals are able to visualize themselves as the hero, the star, the best in their role, or the most accomplished in their field. These individuals have a keen awareness of their thoughts and feelings and their overall inner state of being. People with the Self-confident personality style accept compliments, praise, and admiration gracefully and with self-possession. Serious personality type states are individuals with the serious personality style maintain a sober demeanor. They are solemn and not given to emotional expression. They are realistically aware of their own capabilities, but they are also aware of their own limitations; they are not tempted by vanity or self-importance. Serious people hold themselves responsible for their actions. They will not soft-pedal their own faults and do not let themselves off the hook. They 're thinkers, analyzers, evaluators, ruminators: They 'll always play things over in their minds before they act. Men and women with serious personality style are sharp appraises of others. In their ability to critique other people, they are as unhesitating as in their own self-evaluation. They anticipate problems and when the worst happens, they 're prepared to deal with it. And serious people suffer greatly when they realize they 've been thoughtless or impolite to others. Self- sacrificing individuals give the shirts off their backs if people need them. They do not wait to be asked. Their "prime directive" is to be helpful to others. Out of deference to others, they are noncompetitive and unambitious, comfortable coming second, even last. Self-sacrificing people are always considerate in their dealings with others. They are ethical, honest, and trustworthy. They are nonjudgmental, tolerant of others ' foibles, and never harshly reproving. They 'll stick with you through thick and thin. They are neither boastful nor proud, and they 're uncomfortable being fussed over. Self-sacrificing men and women do not like being the centre of attention; they are uneasy in the limelight. They are long-suffering. They prefer to shoulder their own burdens in life. They have much patience and a high tolerance for discomfort. Self-sacrificing individuals are rather naive and innocent. They are unaware of the often deep impact they make on other people 's lives, and they tend never to suspect deviousness or underhanded motives in the people to whom they give so much of themselves. Devoted personality type individuals are thoroughly dedicated to the relationships in their lives. They place the highest value on sustained relationships, they respect the institution of marriage as well as unofficial avowals of commitment, and they work hard to keep their relationships together. They prefer the company of one or more people to being alone. People with this personality style would rather follow than lead. They are cooperative and respectful of authority and institutions. They easily rely on others and take direction well. When making decisions, they are happy to seek out others ' opinions and to follow their advice. Devoted individuals are careful to promote good feelings between themselves and the important people in their lives. To promote harmony, they tend to be polite, agreeable, and tactful. They are thoughtful of others and good at pleasing them. Devoted people will endure personal discomfort to do a good turn for the key people in their lives. Relationships provide life 's meaning for this personality style. Even after a painful loss of someone around whom their life was centered, they are able to form new meaningful bonds The adventurous personality type is people who show nonconformity. Men and women who have the adventurous personality style live by their own internal code of values. They are not strongly influenced by other people or by the norms of society. To live is to dare. Adventurers love the thrill of risk and routinely engage in high-risk activities. They do not worry too much about others, for they expect each human being to be responsible for him- or herself. They are silver-tongued, gifted in the gentle art of winning friends and influencing people. They love to keep moving. They settle down only to have the urge to pick up and go, explore, move out, move on. They do not worry about finding work, and live well by their talents, skills, ingenuity, and wits .In their childhood and adolescence, people with the adventurous personality style were usually high-spirited hell-raisers and mischief makers. They are courageous, physically bold, and tough. They will stand up to anyone who dares to take advantage of them. Adventurers live in the present. They do not feel guilty about the past or anxious about the future. Life is meant to be experienced now. Mercurial personality type is shown in individuals who are always deeply involved in a romantic relationship with one person. They experience a passionate, focused attachment in all their relationships. Nothing that goes on between them and other people is trivial, nothing taken lightly. They show what they feel. They are emotionally active and reactive. Mercurial types put their hearts into everything. They are uninhibited, spontaneous, fun-loving, and undaunted by risk. Energy marks the mercurial style. These individuals are lively, creative, busy, and engaging. They show initiative and can stir others to activity. They are imaginative and curious, willing to experience and experiment with other cultures, roles, and value systems and to follow new paths. People with mercurial style are skilled at distancing or distracting themselves from reality when it is painful or harsh. Exuberant personality type has mood swings. Those of the exuberant temperament tend to experience a greater range of emotion than those of any other type. They are very emotionally reactive. The exuberant type is the most inclined of all the types to be involved with the fine arts, music, or literature. They take an artistic approach to all aspects of their lives. Like "the majority of poets, novelists, composers, and to a lesser extent, of painters and sculptors," those of the exuberant type "are bound to spend a great deal of their time alone. Those of the exuberant temperament "are quite likely to choose relationships which will further their work rather than relationships which are intrinsically rewarding and their spouses may well find that marital relations take second place. Persons of the exuberant type are highly disciplined, gifted with superior powers of concentration, and capable of producing great quantities of high quality work; they also enjoy frequent periods of recreation and inactivity. They are hedonistic and impulsive; "they live epicurean lives in the here and now, and as gracefully as possible. The exuberant temperament is especially attuned to color, line, texture, shading - touch, motion, seeing, and hearing in harmony. The senses of exuberant individuals seem more keenly tuned than those of others. Although those of the exuberant type may adopt an aggressive, tough exterior, they are remarkably gentle, kind, and generous. The interpersonal conduct of those of the exuberant type alternates between the greatest extremes of sociability and social reticence. And in many individuals of the exuberant type there "may be found an instinctive longing for the natural, the pastoral, the bucolic.
Scope of the Study This study includes (10) ten selected short story written by different authors. These stories are chosen with the focus on the content of the story. These will be analyzed using the psychological analysis focusing on the personality types of the protagonist and the antagonist. The stories chosen must have the same content and will be analyzed using psychological analysis.. These short stories include the following:
1) The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Gilman
2) Pale Horse Pale Rider Katherine Anne Porter
3) Maria Concepcion Katherine Anne Porter
4) The Lady with the Pet Dog Joyce Carol Oates
5) My Oedipus Complex Frank O’ Connor
6) A Night in The Hills Paz Marquez Benitez
7) Servant Girl Estrella Alfon
8) Mateo Falcone Prosper Merimee
9) The Dog Eaters Leoncio Deviada
10) The Monkey’s Paw William Wymark Jacobs
Methodology The researcher has done various steps to analyze the short stories and to answer the problem of the study. The researcher search for the definition of psychological analysis and tried to identify the meaning of personality type. Using Oldham’s concept, the researcher studied the personality types of the characters in the stories The researcher search for concepts of psychological analysis and personality types which can be used for the study. After she was able to look for concepts, she selected short stories which will be used in the study. The researcher would observe the personality shown by the protagonist and the antagonist in the story. To answer problem two, the researcher focus on the personality shown by the antagonist to be able to know the effect of its personality to the protagonist.
Significance of the Study This study is important to the students, the teachers, and the English majors.
To students, this study would be used as a reference in the literature classes. This will help the students know the personality of the character portrayed in the story. To the teachers, this study would be a help in explaining literary pieces which may focus on the psychological personality types of stories. This study also will help the teacher in explaining to their students the personality of the protagonist and the antagonist and the effects of the behavior of both to each other.
To the English majors, this study would also give them more knowledge on psychological analysis. This research would help the students in understanding the personality of the protagonist and antagonist has in the stories.
Definition of Terms The following terms are theoretically and operationally to help the readers understand the study better. Psychological Analysis. Psychological analysis refers to a theory that is concerned in analysing the personality types of the characters presented in a literary work specially the undesirable personality executed by the characters. (Maramba 1998). In this study, this refers to the approach used by the researcher in analysing the short stories.
Personality Types. Personality types refer to individual’s uniqueness, convert, or underlying personality characteristic (Heinstone 2003). In this study this refers to the sixteen personality types which include the: conscientious, sensitive, vigilant, dramatic, aggressive, idiosyncratic, inventive, solitary, leisurely, self-confident, serious, self-sacrificing, devoted, adventurous, mercurial, and exuberant personality types.
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature This chapter presents the biography of the authors whose stories are used in this study. This chapter also presents different literatures and studies that are related to the study. The researcher found these studies valuable and factual supplements for the present study.
Biography of Authors
CHARLOTTE GILMAN Charlotte Perkins Gilman was born on July 3, 1860, in Hartfold, Connecticut. She was born with a name Charlotte Anna Perkins, the youngest and the only daughter in the family. Her father abandoned them after two of the siblings died. Lacking of a father and mother’s affection, she retreated to a public library to outcome her loneliness. She only received limited formal education in public schools and mostly educated herself in extensive reading. In 1883, she published her first works, sending articles and poems to the “Providence Journal”, ”Woman’s Journal”, “The Century”, and the “Christian Register”. Gilman marries Charles Walter Stetson who courted her intensely the previous year.
She learned that she was pregnant and began to suffer from some symptoms of depression three months after this marriage. In 1885, after the birth of her daughter, she became overwhelmed with depression and began treatment of nervous disorders. In 1892, she satirized the treatment in “The Yellow Wallpaper”, and published it. This was done when she was unable to tolerate the treatment for few months. And in 1899, she got divorced and separated from her husband and moved to California. She sends her daughter to her husband and to his new wife. During her time in California she became active in social reform, particularly in the suffrage movement. In 1890, she began to write and published fifteen essays, numerous poems and novels. In 1893, her first volume of poems first brought her public recognition from a literacy perspective was “In This World”. In 1898, her book “Women and Economics” won her international recognition. During 1900, she married her first cousin and the marriage was successful than the first, she continue to write works. She then began to write her autobiography in …show more content…
1925. In 1932, she was diagnosed with an incurable breast cancer. Her husband died suddenly in 1934, and then she moved back to California to live near to her daughter. She then committed suicide with an overdose of Chloroform in 1935, living a suicide note that says “choose chloroform over cancer”.
KATHERINE ANNE PORTER Katherine Anne Porter was born in Indian Creek, Texas as Callie Russell Porter but grew up in Hays County, Texas. She spent in Louisiana as a part of her childhood. Porter was the fourth child, her mother died when she was two. She blamed her father for the death of her mother for making her mother give birth to five children in eight years. Porter was educated in convent schools though her formal education was rather irregular.
She attended the Thomas School in San Antonio in 1904-1905. She ran away from a New Orleans convent at sixteen and married the first of her four husbands on which the parents of her husband was not pleased on their union. They got divorce after nine years because of indifferent of her religion and her husband was not interested in literature or other arts. After divorce she contracted tuberculosis and decided to become a writer during her recovery. Porter worked as a journalist and a teacher in Mexico. She became involved in revolut6ionary
politics. Flowering Judas was here first collection of short stories. This work established her reputation as a highly original writer and earned her a Guggenheim grant. In 1950’s, she published two volume essays, The Says Before (1952), and A Defense Circle (1954). Her Collected Stories (1965) was awarded in 1966 both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. At the age of 72, she became rich and famous with her “Ship of Fools”. In 1970’s, she published The Collected Essays and Occasional Writings (1970) and The Never –Ending Wrong (1977). On September 18, 1980, she died in Silver Spring Maryland. Her view of life is too universal for her to be considered a “regional” writer. Her great reputation has been achieved with a relatively small output of material, most notably stories like Pale Horse, Pale Rider, and the novel Ships of Fools.
JOYCE CAROL OATES Joyce Carol Oates was born in Lockport, New York on June 18, 1938. In a rural community in upstate New York, on her parent farm she grew up. At a young age, she got interested in writing. Her grandmother gave her first typewriter at the age of 14. Oates wrote for her high school newspaper and was the first in the family to complete high school. In 1960, she graduated as valedictorian of her class at Syracuse University. She won a college short story contest sponsored by Mademoiiselle magazine at the age of 19. While studying for her master degree at the University of Wisconsin, she meets Raymond Smith, her future husband. At the age of 26 in 1964, she published her first novel “With Shuddering Fall’ and has averaged a novel every two years thereafter. In 2008, her husband died of complications from pneumonia. This event inspires her to write A Widows Story, reflecting her relationship with her husband and its death.
FRANK O’ CONNOR Frank O’ Connor was born of a poor family in Cork, Ireland. At the age of twelve, he put together a “collected edition” of his framework. O 'Connor knew that the only thing to get him out of his horrifying family life was to become educated. He was always a bright boy, who loved people and he even managed to teach himself French and German. Writing was always a passion for O 'Connor. He still worked as the typical businessman, but he was always trying his hand at his wonderful gift of composition. His writing was a hobby, but it almost became a second job to him. He wrote in Gaelic as well as English and has once a director for the famed Abbey Theatre. He won popularity in the United States for his short stories, which appeared in The New Yorker magazine from 1945 to 1961, and he was a visiting professor at several American universities in the 1950s. He was a novelist, poet and a playwright. Connor was best known in North America for his evocative short stories. Among his numerous volumes of short stories, in which he effectively made use of apparently trivial incidents to illuminate Irish life, are Guests of the Nation (1931) and Crab Apple Jelly (1944). Other collections of tales were published in 1953, 1954, and 1956. Collected Stories, including 67 stories, was published in 1981. He also wrote critical studies of the short story and the novel as well as of Michael Collins and his role in the Irish Revolution.
Paz Marquez Benitez Paz Marquez Benitez was born in hails in Laguna. Finishes her Bachelor of Arts in the University of the Philippines and became the editor of the “Woman’s Journal” for several years. “A Night in the Hills” was among of her famous short stories were she portrayed the life of a city boy who wants to experience life in the forest and was able to reach and spent night from it with a big regret.
ESTRELLA ALFON Estrella D. Alfon, who-wailed from Cebu, was born on 1917. She is a well-known storywriter, playwright and journalist, and through a Cebuana, she wrote almost exclusively in English. Unlike other writer on her time, she did not come from intelligentsia. She attended college, and studied medicine, however, when she was mistakenly diagnosed with tuberculosis and sent to a sanatorium, she resigned from her pre-medical education and left with an Associate of Arts degree from the University of the Philippines, Manila. In spite of having only an A.A. degree, she was eventually appointed as a professor of Creative Writing at the University of the Philippines, Manila. She was a member of the U.P. Writers Club, she held the National Fellowship in fiction post at the U.P. Creative Writing Center in 1979. Estrella Alfon then become a member of the U.P. Writers Club and was given the privileged post of National Fellowship in fiction post at the U.P. Creative Writing Centre. She is the only female member of the Veronicans, an advent grade group of writers in the 1930’s led by Francisco Arellanon and H.R. Ocampo, and she was also regarded as their muse. Mrs. Alfon was also reported the most prolific Filipina writer prior to World War II. A regular contributor to Maria-based National Magazines. She had several stories cited in Jose Garcia Villa’s annual honour rolls. She also served on the Philippine Board of Tourism in the 1970’s. Alfon died on December 28, 1983, following heart attacks suffered in stage during Awards Night of the Manila Film Festival.
PROSPER MERIMEE Prosper Merimee was born in Paris, the famous French author, was cynical person without illusion. He was a brilliant writer of highly polished clear-cut prose. He received law degree from the University of Paris in 1823, but he also studied Greek, Spanish, English, and Russian languages and their literature. He made his début as a dramatist at the age of 19 with Cromwell (1822).
Nearly all his stories are considered classic. He also wrote novels and short fiction, archaeological and historical dissertations, and travel books. Colomba (1840) was a story of revenge, La Venus d Ille (1837) and, Lokis written in 1869, had fantastic elements. He died in Cannes on September 23, 1870.
The award-winning fictionist, playwright and poet Leoncio P. Deviada received his Ph. D in English from Siliman University in Dumaguete City in 1981. He is also known for his work in reviving writing in Kinaray-a and for his papers on the Visayan languages and the other regional literature. His published work includes, for fiction, The Road to Mawab (1984), Night Mares (1988), The Week of the Whales (1994), a drama entitled The Dog Eaters (1986) and a number of important anthologies. Leoncio P. Deviada is a recipient of the Metrobank Foundation Search for Outstanding Teachers in 2002. Dr. Deviada heads the Sentro ng Wikang Filipino at the U.P. Visayas. He is also an associate of the U.P. Institute of Creative Writing.
He was born 8 September 1863 in Wapping, London, England, and the eldest son of William Gage Jacobs. Jacobs attended a private school in London then went on to Birkbeck College. Around 1885 he started submitting anonymous sketches to be published in Blackfriars. In the early nineties Jacobs had some of his stories published in Jerome K. Jerome and Robert Barr 's illustrated satirical magazines The Idler and Today. The Strand magazine also accepted some of his works. His early stories were tentative and naïve but they were enough to show he had promise upon further development in a career as a writer. Henry James, G. K. Chesterton, and Christopher Morley commented favourably on his work.
In 1896 Jacobs ' first collection of short stories was titled Many Cargoes of which Punchmagazine said his favourite subjects were "men who go down to the sea in ships of moderate tonnage." It was followed in 1897 by a novelette titled The Skipper 's Wooingand in 1898 by another collection of short stories Sea Urchins. By 1899 Jacobs was confident enough to resign from the civil service to devote his full time to writing.
Jacobs 's 1902 novelette At Sunwich Port and Dialstone Lane (1904) are said to be among his best, displaying his exceptional talent to ingeniously devise characters and satirical situations. Often his stories are about the British underclass, sometimes with surprise endings. The Lady of the Barge (1902) contained among other horror stories The Monkey 's Paw. His last collection of short stories is titledNight Watches. (1914) Though Jacobs had a long and successful career, prolifically producing satirical and macabre short stories, he is mostly known for The Monkey 's Paw which has been filmed and adapted for the stage numerous times. William Wymark Jacobs died at Hornsey Lane, Islington, London, on 1 September 1943.
Related Literature In this part, the researcher discussed the related literature that has connection on the researcher’s study.
Heinston (2003) claimed that one important psychological mechanism which guides behavior is personality. He stated that every character has its unique pattern of feelings, thoughts and behavior, which is formed by a fairly stable combination of personality types. This personality types are likely to influence attitude and behavior if there is an inclination towards certain characters reactions in any given situation as a personality forms. The impact in personality on behavior is dependent on the unique combination of types, which distinguish each individual possesses; the more likely it is that will take on this behavior.
Jung (2003), believed that in defining personality types, the function was so important for it overshadowed all other functions. For him, the theory of personality types was part of a wider set of ideas relating to the important concepts for clinical psychological analysis.
The above mentioned claim points out how personality guides the character and how it affects the psychological part of the character. The claim relates to the present study because it pointed out how personality guides or shapes the character.
Related Studies This part deals with related studies that have a connection to the present study. Egao conducted a study entitled “The psychological Analysis of the Characters of Selected short Stories”. It presents how the personality type affected the life of the character and his family, people and friends. This study is related to the present study of the researcher because it also involves personality types that affect the other character. Solomon (2006) in her study entitled “The Psychological Analysis of Selected Short Stories” and it point out how the psychological of the character causes underlying problems. It also stated in her study that those personality types that vary from individual to individual have different reasons and causes. She also pointed that personality is the result of the depression and anxiety which a character possesses. Fauziyah (2008) in his study on “The Psychological Analysis of the Main Character’s in Go Ask Alice tackles the psychological personality of the main character in the novel. In his study he looked at how Psychology influenced the literary work and what Psychological condition of the author when he or she write the novel. He intends to present a psychology in literary research and explore important problems related to psychology. This study of Fauziyah focuses in the aspects of main character’s personality portrayed in the novel and the main character’s personality shown from Abraham Maslow’s theory of motivation. This is somehow related to the researcher’s study on psychological analysis and on the personality of the protagonist and antagonist personality type. References: Berba (2004) Psychology Towards A New Millennium. National Book Store Mandaluyong
Read, S.H.,Fordham.,& Adler, G.(Eds). (1993).Freud and Psychoanalysis.Routledge. 11 New Fetter Lane, London.
Kelsey, David, and Marilyn Bates. 3rd ed. (1978) Please understand me: Character and temperament types. Del Mar: Prometheus Nemesis,
Gilman,CP(2000). Retrived from on March 13,2000
New Standard Encyclopedia , Volume 11. Standard Educational Corporation. Chicago
The New Oxford Encyclopedia Dictionary, Volume 6. Oxford University Press 1972, 1975, 1976
Porter, K.A(2006). Encyclopedia of world biography.
Johnson, G. (1990) Invisible writer: a biography of Joyce Carol Oates. New York: Dutton, 1998
Prosper Merimee from Dictionary of Literary Biography. ©2005-2006 Thomson Gale
C.D. Merriman for Jalic Inc. Copyright Jalic Inc 2005
Jung, C.G. (1971). The collected works of C.G. Jung;Vol 6. Psychological types (pp 510-555),
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. (Original work published in 1923).
Read, S.H.,Fordham.,& Adler, G.(Eds). (1993).Freud and Psychoanalysis.Routledge. 11 New Fetter Lane, London
New Standard Encyclopedia , Volume 11. Standard Educational Corporation. Chicago
The New Oxford Encyclopedia Dictionary, Volume 6. Oxford University Press 1972, 1975, 1976 Copyright© 2012 David Kelly (
: 'Connor