Dr. Sharp
WRT 101
23rd September, 2011
March of 1999
In March of 1999 my life changed, but it was up to me to decide if it was going to be for the better. This was the most nerve wracking dive to Wal-Mart I had ever had. The only thing I could think of was my parents are going to kill me. It has always been up to me to be the good child. My oldest brother was a drop out, the middle brother had no desires outside of video games, and the youngest just seemed to float through life. I was the one they could count on, I helped with the cattle, I made the straight A’s in school, and I even ate all my vegetables. It was almost as though they would turn to me for advice if the time arose. It’s not like they were very strict or anything out of the normal and they sure were not pushing me to be the best at everything. But they raised me to be a nice southern girl with good manners and morals, you know the whole yes sir no sir sit straight no elbows on the table stuff. But when Little Dennis, my older brother, was 18 he had to marry Misty to make their situation acceptable. I don’t have that option! Paul and I just broke up, and he lives in South Carolina, I was stuck her! Paris Texas! This town is nothing but a black hole where you are either the slave to a family farm or you become the cattle that works in one of the five factories that hold the town prisoners. I am going to move and go to college anywhere but here and become a teacher. I will get the hell out of here and never look back! Well, I don’t know how much I can look back now, I just looked down at the test and it has two blue lines. What does this mean? I read the instructions again and I was right, I am pregnant. Oh my God! I am dead! That’s it my dad is going to kill me, no he is going to kill Paul. I can just hear my dad now, “that damn Carnie, I knew he wasn’t good enough for you. What did I tell you? People like that will just use you and move on.” That’s just great now dad