
Character Ethic Part 1 Summary

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Part One: Paradigms And Principles

Inside-Out Steven Covey studied over 200 years of writing about success. While studying these writings he began to recognize a distinct pattern surfacing. He found these writings attributed success to either Character Ethic or Personality Ethic. The majority of the literature of in the first 150 years focused on the philosophy referred to as Character Ethic. The foundations for success are based upon integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty, and the Golden Rule. This idea insists that true success can only be achieved if these principles are integrated into the basic character. The shift from Character Ethic to Personality Ethic occurred shortly after World War I. Success literature of the past 50 years credits success as more of a function of personality, public image, attitudes and behaviors, skills, and techniques. Covey suggests that personality traits are secondary to Character traits. If the character is flawed, mistrust and manipulation may be perceived, and there is no
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To begin with the end in mind means to visualize the end of your life as the reference by which everything else is examined. Each day is measured by the vision you have of your whole life. All things are created twice is the principle that Habit 2 is based upon. There is a mental, or first creation, and a physical, or first creation. Covey suggests, "Take the creation of a home, for example. You create it in every detail before you ever hammer the first nail into place. Then you reduce it to blueprint and develop construction plans. Not all creations are by conscious design." We should be responsible for our first creations, or we reactively empower others to shape our lives. Habit 2 is also based on principles of personal leadership. Leadership is the first creation. Management is the second

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