Characteristics of an Effective Leader
In today’s business world it is very important to have effective leadership. It is their responsibility to guide followers so that work is done properly and efficiently. In most organizations today, managers have not been trained properly in managing which leads to many productivity problems. It is this lack of training from leadership that causes businesses to fail. In this research paper I will discuss the characteristics of an effective leader and their responsibilities. I will discuss how trust, motivation, communication and building trust are important for every leader. Introduction
The topic of leadership has never lost its value to organizations. Today, it assumes special importance because of swift changes increasing the need for leaders that are capable of coping with a continuous stream of challenges. Leadership can be defined as the power or skill of an individual to lead others towards the attainment of a goal. It includes directing and influencing others towards the completion of stated regular objectives and involves being responsible and accountable for the entire group. According to Satterlee (2009), one of the main functions of a leader is to address the issues of change and how to cope with these changes. This can be done by using a leaders ' influence to convince followers that their way is the way to go. Accordingly, leadership is the art of and method of influencing followers of organized groups so they will strive to willingly do what the leader wants them to do (Pulley, Sessa & Malloy, 2002) A leader not only has the passion to work but also has the passion to work with confidence. Therefore in order to be an effective leader the leader must possess the basic characteristics of an effective leader in order to carry out tasks efficiently. When these characteristics are used correctly they will enhance effective management
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