Characteristics of an Effective Team Leader, Team Conflicts, and Issue Resolution
MBA 501 (Wk4 Assignment)
Learning Team A
Bamidele. Jaiyeola
Elizabeth Barcelona
Nazneen Rajan
July 31, 2010
It is a commonplace for organizations today to work in teams. Productivity and creativity results will be greater in a team environment. Whenever you bring together people from different backgrounds, experiences and skill sets, it is inevitable that conflict will occur. Conflict arises from the differences, and when individuals come together in teams, their differences in terms of power, values, and attitudes contributes to creation of conflict. Without conflict, teams will not be challenged and will not perform at their optimum levels. When this becomes apparent, how should the team prepare themselves to face this challenge, and how should the team leader facilitate and resolve conflict?
The purpose of this paper is to present the characteristics and traits of an effective team leader. We will also be discussing the different types of conflicts as well as the effective way of managing and resolving disputes among team members
Effective Team Leader
Successful management requires more than just assigning tasks to the team. It calls for a leader who can inspire team members to achieve their full potential. People want to be guided by a person they respect; someone responsible and dependable and someone who has a clear sense of direction. More and more businesses are becoming international. Team members need to trust each other as well as trust each other's expertise. They need to feel confident that the other members are doing their share, so that when the team finally pools their ideas together, a multifaceted solution results. Different countries have different cultures, ways of doing things and behaving.
Leaders need to learn about these differences if they are to succeed. Being an effective team
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