Seminar Discussion Questions
Act 1
1. What is the purpose of the two discussions of the crowing of the cock, Horatio’s pagan one (1.1.130-37) and Marcellus’ Christian one (1.1. 138-45)? (1.1.)
2. What is Claudius telling the court in the first part of his speech (1.2.1-16)? What does he say about young Fortinbras and his uncle the king of Norway (1.2.17-41)? How is Claudius responding to the threat? (You may also want to keep in mind that the name “Claudius” appears only in the opening stage direction for 1.2. The name is never spoken in the play. He is simply “the King.”) (1.2.)
3. What do Claudius and Gertrude want Hamlet to do that he doesn’t want to do? What won’t they let him do? How does he respond to them? How do they respond to the way he responds to them? (You probably know three names associated with the University of Wittenberg in Germany: Martin Luther, Doctor Faustus and Hamlet. Can you see any connections among the three?) (1.2.)
4. What is Hamlet’s response to the news from Horatio, Marcellus and Bernardo? Notice the way Hamlet questions them. How much do we know about how his mind works at this point of the play? What does he suspect as the reason for the ghost’s appearance (1.2.254-57)? (1.2.)
5. How willing is Ophelia to discuss with her father what she has discussed with Laertes? What is his response to Hamlet’s interest in her and her response to him? How seriously should she take their warnings about Hamlet’s lack of seriousness and his inability to choose his own wife? (1.3.)
6. What do we know about Laertes, Polonius, and Ophelia by the end of 1.3? What sort of people are they? What sort of family are they? Who is missing from this family? How strong-willed is Ophelia? (1.3.)
7. Read 1.4.7-22 carefully. What is Hamlet saying here? (1.4.)
8. How does Hamlet respond to the ghost? If it is a “damned ghost,” is he as safe as he thinks he is in 1.4.45-48? Why don’t the others want him to go? Why can’t/don’t they