This helps us because if you except help it does not mean you are weak it means that you are sensible and know that you are unable to do it your self. No matter how super you are you will never be able to do it all by yourself. This is demonstrated at the end of the film when Mr Incredible excepts help from the other Superheros to defend the robot other wise Mr Incredible would be dead because he would have been defeated.
The film The Incredibles also teaches “You must be a hero to your family first” the meaning of this quote is you don’t have to be a civilians hero you can be a hero to the people in your life first. Mr Incredible is a hero to those he loves this is shown at the end of the film when Mr Incredible plays with his kids Dash, Violet and Jack Jack. Another example of this is when his family goes and saves Mr Incredible this is a good example of “You must be a hero to your family first” because if they did not love Mr Incredibles they would not have gone and saved …show more content…
Some examples of this from the film are when a civilian fell out of a building Mr Incredibles was there to save him so that he did not die another example of this is when syndrome send the robot to the town of Municiberg and all of the people of this town are scared Mr Increedible is there to save them from being hurt by the robot this is a good example of superheros putting others before themselves because if it was the other way around and superheros put themselves before other the robot would of distorted the town of Municiberg and no one would be alive. This is an excellent example of “heroes put other before