April, 4, 2015
Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire
A major part of European history is the building of France. Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire was major factor in the rise to modern France and a huge part of it history. Charlemagne sculpted the landscape of France with political, economic, and educational ventures to establish the Holy Roman Empire. The laying of a foundation for a centralized government is what Charlemagne was aiming for throughout the rein of the Carolingian Empire (encyclopedia). The thesis to this essay is the discussion of how Charlemagne and the Carolingian expanded through Christianity using the three factors said earlier and how Charlemagne sculpted the Frankish empire. The Carolingian Empire was in lack of better term operational from time period of 750-887 AD (Carolingian dynasty). The Carolingian dynasty took over from what was known as the Merovingian dynasty that’s primary leader and most know was King Clovis. After his death a division of the dynasty took place in which the Carolingian empire or the family of the Frankish that took control of Western Europe (Carolingian dynasty). They started from the position of Mayor of Palace from a separate kingdom of Austrasia that was formed from the previous dynasty Merovingian (Carolingian dynasty). Austrasia formed from years of constant ruler changes and division within the Merovingian dynasty. Though there were several rulers of the Carolingian empire before Charlemagne he was one of the main character of the Carolingian period that became the identity of the era. Most the discussion of this essay comes from the Charlemagne’s rein of the Carolingian empire. Through another division Pippin III, father of Charlemagne would divide the ruling powers again (Carolingian dynasty). Charlemagne younger brother Carloman received the better portion of land so ill will feel between the two brothers (encyclopedia). Carloman refuse to give aid to Charlemagne