Some of the ideas discussed in this book include: evolutionism, transmutation, selection theory and natural selection. These ideas were established through stories of Charles Darwin’s adventures. Charles Darwin was born on February …show more content…
The book went in-depth about the issues with religion and politics. This showed that society sometimes did not accept Darwin’s theories and he had to have a strong worth ethic to gain supporters. It also showed what society’s beliefs were in that time period and how they evolved throughout time. Bowler, a historian, explained the evolutionary thought of late Victorian times in different chapters throughout the novel. He wanted history to be important as well as science in this novel and he did a good job balancing the two subjects. In the Victorian time, there was a lot of controversy over Darwin’s ideas. The book went into detail about how the contemporaries were not very accepting towards Darwin’s theories. Peter J. Bowler talks about this subject in a persuasive way. His tone becomes gloomy and he writes about the credit Darwin didn’t receive for his ideas. By doing this it encourages the reader to feel appreciative of Darwin and past scholars. One of the main ideas of this book is to reinvent the readers view on Charles Darwin and to help them understand why he is important to us …show more content…
Just as Darwin had branched off of previous scientist’s work, modern scientists are branching off of Darwin’s ideas as well. The book focuses on how the past scientific contributions have affected modern science today. Without these helpful discoveries and ideas we would not be where we are today in the field of science. The last twenty-nine pages of the book give credit to where Peter J. Bowler got the information from. It lists notes about key information that would not have necessarily fit into the context of the book. I found this useful because it helped me understand difficult concepts and interpret challenging words. A bibliography and index can also be found at the back of the book. The index was useful because it allowed me to easily find information that I read about.
Modern science has been heavily influenced by Charles Darwin’s discoveries. The book “The Man and His Influence” shows why individuals should appreciate the work of Charles Darwin. Overall, I thought the book was interesting and contained information about the key points in Darwin’s lifetime. It was written at a level of complexity that most high school and above readers could understand and retain the information. I would recommend this book to challenge seeking students and readers who have a deep interest in history and