
Charles Darwin's Theory In Lord Of The Flies

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Charles Darwin's Theory In Lord Of The Flies
In Golding’s Lord of the Flies they demonstrate many examples of Darwin's theory. His theory is that the ones who are best able to adapt will survive. It starts from the beginning when they first get on the island by having a plane crash and have problems on how to survive on the island without having any adults to guide them with their decisions. This will prove that they need to fight and prove to the others that they are determined to survive throughout their extended stay on the island. This will show Charles Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittests. At the very beginning an example of Darwin's theory will prove a very challenging task. One of the most controversial things in the book will be choosing a leader which will prove to be quite difficult and show that they need to come together. Jack thinks that he is the strongest because he is a control freak and cannot deal with the fact that other people in charge a quote to prove this is “I ought to be chief,” Said Jack with simple arrogance, “because I’m chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp.”(Golding 16). That shows that he does not really have the skills to prove that he is good at surviving. This proves Darwin’s theory because Ralph and Jack …show more content…
Throughout the book they try to prove to each other that their way is the best. One of the main arguments between Jack and Ralph is about how to signal boats out at sea. Ralph really wants a signal fire while Jack does not really care about that and think that will not work and take to much effort. An exchange between Jack and Ralph shows an example of the argument “There’s no signal now. Nothing to show.”’Your nuts on the signal”...”That is all we’ve got”(Golding 82). This argument proves that Darwin's theory is correct because if they cannot agree they will cause many arguments and try to sabotage each other's environment making it to difficult to live

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