Charlie as a young boy lived his life to be a free man. He went from home to home. Everytime running away from where ever they put him. Eventually he began to be start being more of a rebel and began to …show more content…
Charlie Used his communication skills to attract other people aside from his “Family” to persuade people to believe that he was the only one who was right, and that no one was safe from anyone. It was either kill or be killed.
After he deceived them he digs deeper in their mind so that the only thing they know and think is this.
Many people have studied Charles Manson for many years and this is what they came up with. That he is a Schizophrenic Sociopath with Paranoid Delusional Disorder. This Explains many things starting from his childhood behavior to his adulthood. What it doesn't explain is how it is that he became a cult leader. But any simple person can tell you why this came to happen. The simplest answer is because he told people what they wanted to hear.
They gave him the loyalty he wanted since he was a boy. And In return he gave them motivation for living. He gave them drugs. And gave them hope for a better life. It took a independent mind to destroy the minds of the dependent. One for