Charles I was most to blame for causing the civil war, but parliament didn’t help matters when they wouldn’t help the King. Charles’ bad start to being king didn’t help get trust from his people and other factors contributed to the start of a Civil war.
Charles I had a very bad start as king, he held all the blame at this point, because of his bad start people didn’t trust him much and he also had a stammer and was shy so people thought it would be more likely for him to let a war happen. Charles needed a stronger personality to be able to rule, people disliked Charles even more when he made the Duke of Buckingham chief minister as he was very unpopular and selfish. Things didn’t get any better when Charles married a catholic wife with a strong personality. People feared that as England was protestant, and Charles married a catholic wife, because of her strong personality she might make England catholic. Parliament was partly to blame for the earlier tension as they tried to refuse customs taxes to Charles.
When Charles decided to rule for 11 years without calling parliament this created more tension, putting even more of the blame onto Charles. Without parliament Charles ran out of money so he started bending the rules, he charged ship money, to all countries. When Charles started breaking his own laws more people got annoyed and the tension rose again. An example is when he held trials for people he disliked without using a jury. Everyone thought a king should make the laws but once they are made should obey them. The archbishop of Canterbury started changing the churches to look more beautiful, this angered people because they thought he was gradually and secretly trying to make England catholic. Puritan leaders disliked Laud’s changes so Laud had their ears cut off, branded and then they were put in prison!
In Scotland the puritans were the strongest group and Laud