see this close to the end of the movie where he faces the enemy in the final showdown. He knows what he is doing is right and he faces his fate with no fear at all. Hope can make you do things and act in ways you never thought you could. It can enable you to set your sights higher and look for something better than you have. Charley hopes he can protect his friends and when he fails it makes him rethink everything in his life. But he never gives up his hope, his home that he can be with sue and his hope that he won't let down Boss. He wants something better than what he has. In the final scenes of the movie where everyone starts to help them it fills him with a new hope, he won't die in the fighting. He will be able to marry sue and live happily ever after. Ambition is what drives everyone, the search for what you want and what you need.
Charlie doesn't have any true ambitions but amidst the turmoil, life suddenly takes an unexpected turn for the loner Charley when he meets the beautiful and warm spirited Sue Barlow, a woman who embraces both his heart and his soul. He might have had other ambitions in the past but those were taken away from him by his fear and the wars he fought in. This ambition is what he make him fight for the side of justice instead of leaving thing they way they are. He must do what is right and he must not let anything stop him. His searching and his drive to make things better is what makes him who he
is. I understand what Charley is really searching for. He is looking for something bigger than himself, something that he can fight for and maybe even die for, and that thing is Sue. She is the one who enables him to become who he is really meant to be. She is the one who changes the cold, hard warrior back into a man. She helps him to live again and to be free from his past. I can relate to his deep sense of justice because it is something I also feel. His feelings of wrong doings is what helps him to do what his right.