With the love and support of her family she won a scholarship to Hitchin College in 1876 at the age of 18. This unbelievable accomplishment gave Scott the courage to compete in the Tripos Exams that were offered at Cambridge University, four years later. Scott ranked eighth amongst all the men but was not able to attend the awards ceremony because she was a women. However, she did not let that stop her, it just motivated her even farther. Her determination resulted in a Bachelor of Science degree in 1882 and a doctorates in 1885. Not only did she receive them with excellent scholastic achievement, she graduated "first class" in both! …show more content…
In this program Scott was the only woman on its first board. She was the first to prove theorems abstractly which became a popular problem solver by the 1920's. During her last years, she continued her profession, but only as a college instructor.
Charlotte A. Scott was an astonishing woman and a great role model for those who go against what society thinks to become the best at something you love. She is an extraordinary woman that paved the way for women today to achieve a prosperous career in