The author indulges the reader with abundance of images that present the reader with the notion that the life in the country is effortless and that everyone is relatively well to do. The most prominent method used is the rather descriptive manner in which Mr. White describes the vehicles that are parked in front of Mr.Zuckermans barn. The author does not describe the vehicles merely as numerous but he goes on to name nine specific makes present " Fords and Chevvies and Buick roadmasters and GMC pickups and Plymoths and Studebakers and packards and De Sotos with gyromatic transmissions and Oldsmobiles with rocket engines and Jeep station wagons and Pontiacs"(83/84). He also goes on to describe some of the most prominent features of these vehicles almost to the point where a reader is compelled to feel pride in the fact that one can choose between so many vehicles if one chooses. It may be argued that these descriptions are made so specific in order to
The author indulges the reader with abundance of images that present the reader with the notion that the life in the country is effortless and that everyone is relatively well to do. The most prominent method used is the rather descriptive manner in which Mr. White describes the vehicles that are parked in front of Mr.Zuckermans barn. The author does not describe the vehicles merely as numerous but he goes on to name nine specific makes present " Fords and Chevvies and Buick roadmasters and GMC pickups and Plymoths and Studebakers and packards and De Sotos with gyromatic transmissions and Oldsmobiles with rocket engines and Jeep station wagons and Pontiacs"(83/84). He also goes on to describe some of the most prominent features of these vehicles almost to the point where a reader is compelled to feel pride in the fact that one can choose between so many vehicles if one chooses. It may be argued that these descriptions are made so specific in order to