Humanity has a big impact on the polar ice caps because we are causing global warming. Throughout the documentary the director has been giving us information over the past months on how civilians are affecting the polar ice caps. In the movie the director showed a scene in which he showed us how the polar ice caps have melted on such short notice. The reason why these polar ice caps have transitioned from their natural habitat is because of the climate change that is being caused humanity that aren't aware of what we are causing. A form in which pathos is used in this time of the documentary is how the director shows his emotions and what has brought about those emotions. Also, a way that the director tried to …show more content…
The director of this documentary has gave us many examples where one day we will have made the polar ice caps completely disappear. A scene in the documentary tells the viewers that we need to be more considerate of how we are affecting the world day by day. This is happening but at the same time people aren't aware of what's happening so they aren't changing their ways. If we were to do something about this problem to save the polar ice caps we could keep experiencing them for many more years. A form of logos would also be when the director talks about global warming and how there needs to be change. The director shows how it's affecting not only the planet but humans too. A scene in the documentary shows us how the director is concerned about the climate change and that it's logical to think that there has to be a solution to the