In the Canterbury Tales Chaucer depicts marriage in many different ways and has different attitudes towards it. On one end he has a very traditional view which is illustrated in Franklin's tale. The opposing end though he has a very liberal view in other tales such as wife of Bathes and Franklin's tale. Although Chaucer has a mixed attitude towards the way marriages are suppose to be he does gives aspects of what is needed to have a good marriage and that will be the main focal point of this essay.…
The Wife of Bath is named “Alis” (326), which is short for Allison in modern English. Interestingly, she shares the name with the young wife in “The Miller’s Tale,” also from Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. The name, then, represents a challenge to the patriarchy as much as the person does. Within “The Miller’s Tale,” Allison commits adultery and sees herself as above her older, but unarguably devoted husband. The Wife of Bath is also guilty of the same things. Her first “three men were goode… and olde” (203); thus, the character of Allison within “The Miller’s Tale” could likely be a younger embodiment of the Wife of Bath. However, Allison in the tale is portrayed in a way that makes her appear entirely cruel and unjustified in her actions. The Wife of Bath argues that she is justified in her actions because of the harsh inequalities created by the patriarchy. The difference between the two could be attributed to a situation where Chaucer’s own beliefs conflict with the beliefs of his characters.…
This interpretation is weakened by the fact that the Wife of Bath herself conforms to a number of these misogynist and misogamist (antimarriage) stereotypes. For example, she describes herself as sexually voracious but at the same time as someone who only has sex to get money, thereby combining two contradictory stereotypes. She also describes how she dominated her husband, playing on a fear that was common to men, as the Pardoner’s nervous interjection reveals. Despite their contradictions, all of these ideas about…
Primarily, the “Wife of Bath’s Tale” reveals that one should have sovereignty over her significant other. The Wife of Bath conspicuously states her…
When studying the Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Wife of Bath’s Tale, both coming from the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, you see a common theme of feminism. Also, you get a good sense of the of the anti feminist cultural norms and ideas regarding women in the medieval era. Alisoun, The Wife of Bath, focuses most upon the common stereotypes of women. These stereotypes include the idea that women only marry into money in order to live a lavish lifestyle off of their husband’s income as well as the belief that women will never stop talking to their husbands. Stemming from this, the common belief among men was that if you were to get married, it would ruin your chances of success later in life. The Wife of Bath opposed all of these…
The Wife of Bath is an admirable women, but at the same time, she is not. Her actions may be to protect and take care of herself as a woman with no rights though they are not good and respectful to her husbands.…
After reading this line, readers are able to conclude that the Wife of Bath believes that women are superior to men—they are neither bold nor wise. The Wife of Bath wants to spread her cult—she wants the other women to become powerful and superior to their husbands—just like she is. For instance, line 234 translates to the following: a woman should swear and lie to their husband—they have the power to do it (Benson). In line 235, the Wife of Bath makes it clear that her advice is not meant for the wise wives (Benson). Therefore, the readers are able to argue that the wise wives that listen to her advice—take a moment to reflect on their wise manipulation skills. In line 236, the readers learn that the Wife of Bath’s advice is also intended to seek the attention of the wise wives that have been improperly advised on how to make their husbands feel guilty—by using their effective manipulation skills…
The Wife of Bath's story compliments her (first or early on scene), since it bolsters the subject of control of men by ladies what she worked hard with every one of her spouses. Dissimilar to the next individuals who recount stories (or falsehoods), she doesn't speak to a social class, be that as it may she speaks to every one of the ladies in the medieval…
The wife of bath is a very confident woman who, in the prologue of her tale, talks about her five husbands. She seems very satisfied with her life and her choices; she is fulfilled regardless of the men she was married to. Even with all their deaths, she remains happy and independent. “But even now I will strive to be merry.” (Lines 478-479) The story she tells is about a knight who, after he rapes a young girl, is forced by the queen to find out what women desire the most. He finally discovers that what women want the most is to have sovereignty over their husbands. This goes directly along with the character of the wife of bath, who loved the control she had over her husbands more than anything else. The story proves that the answer to what women want the most is not just one static statement. What a person desires most in life depends on their own character and their own…
One of the stereotypes that existed during this time regarding woman was their inability to understand the meanings within the bible. Woman were also seen as gold-diggers, only marrying for money. They believed that if woman were to be educated about the bible, they would use it to justify their sins. The Wife of Bath’s confirms this by saying, “where can you say, in any kind of age, that our high God has forbidden marriage expressly, in what word? I pray, tell me. Or where did he command virginity?” ( ). The Wife of Bath’s confirms every stereotype at one point, however, she also challenges them. By using passages from the bible she and she own experiences she challenges these stereotypes.…
Back then, the men were the ones in power and the women were either wives or nuns. Wife of Bath completely broke off from tradition and from the Church beliefs. She used her body sexually as a way to influence her husbands into satisfying her needs. One can notice the control she had over men when she states, “I laugh now when I think how pitifully by night I made them swink… they’d given me their gold, and treasure more; I needed not do longer diligence to win their love” (lines 201-206). According to this, one can infer that Wife of Bath used the power of sex as a way to gain wealth from her husbands. Along with money, her biggest desire was also sovereignty. A husband needs to allow to be dominated by his wife, so that in return the wife is able to please him. When Wife of Bath is telling her tale she helps readers understand the power women have over men by detailing the relationship between the King and Queen. “But that the Queen, and the other ladies too, implored the king to exercise his grace so ceaselessly, he gave the queen the case” (lines 70-72). Clearly it is shown how the King gave into the Queens request, demonstrating the control women can have on their husbands or lovers. Evidently, the dominant characteristic in Wife of Bath is a keen factor that contributes to the overall theme of the story.…
Marcotte, Andrea, "Geoffrey Chaucer 's The Canterbury Tales: Rhetoric and Gender in Marriage" (2007). University of New Orleans…
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales exemplifies the common element between the two works of women's attempts at attaining dominance over male figures. The first example of The Wife of Bath portraying this characteristic is in her Prologue. She confesses to the fact that she has had 5 husbands and that she uses various techniques in which she can control them (CT 103, 108). First of all, during the Middle Ages, being a virgin was highly prized and on the contrary, marriage was seen as inferior (CT 105-106). Also, her actions in her attempts to gain some type of control over her husbands refute the common stereotype of that time period that women should be meek and submissive to their husbands and men in…
Chaucer's book shows the life of a knight including courtly love and also ethical dilemmas that a knight could have and may have faced. There is a deciding point for the knight in the story to where he wants to choose a wife. He had to make the choice of an older wife that would treat him good or a young wife that is an experienced and would treat him poorly. He have had made wrong choices in the past too and he decided to marry the older women because it was morally right. Chaucer did very well at providing chivalric values in that knight in this…
“The Story of an Hour,” by Kate Chopin displays the internal battle of Mrs. Mallard and her struggle with independence. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Mrs. Mallard’s negative outlook on her life and marriage suddenly changed into a confident and independent glimpse of the future. What was initially a negative outlook on matrimony, quickly developed into a confident and independent demeanor. The audience is vividly exposed to Mrs. Mallards change in identity regarding her role as a woman, and her optimism. The reader experiences a rapid transformation of wife to woman through Chopin’s creative use of irony and symbolism, alongside a theme of co-dependency and feminism.…