What three groups would you add to the journey? Geoffrey Chaucer took three types on his journey to Canterbury. They were the religious group, the upper class, and the middle working class. Chaucer wrote his tales in Middle English around the 1350’s. Chaucer had many people from each group go. He mostly wrote in a satiric tone. Satire is another word for sarcasm or irony. Irony is saying one thing while meaning another. He used both juvenilia and horashian. Juvenilia is harsh sarcasm. An example would be the friar. Horashian is soft or gentle sarcasm. The main nun would be a great example of this. If I were to take a pilgrimage I would take three groups, musicians, athlete, and comedians.…
The philosophy behind Christianity is to gain a higher spirituality, and be elevated over material things. Chaucer reveals a Church based upon corruption and immorality. Chaucer views Christianity as it is viewed today, a vehicle to transport someone to a "higher spiritual plane". Chaucer first starts exposing the corruption straight from the prologue. Regarding the Nun, Chaucer explains her interest in jewelry and looking exquisite "She wore a coral trinket on her arm, a set of beads, the gaudies trickled in green, Whence hung a golden brooch of brighteset sheen" (Prologue). Concerning the Monk, It is written how highly he valued hunting and horses over spirituality "Who rode the country; hunting was his sport" (Prologue). Regarding the Friar, Chaucer explains in detail, his passion with women, drinking, and worldly things "Highly beloved and intimate was he with country folk within his boundary, and city dames of honour and possession... He knew the taverns well in every town and every innkeeper and barmaid too" (Prologue). Pertaining to the Pardoner and the Summoner Chaucer revealed their diabolical scheme to seize the money of a simpleton. The Summoner would inform people of their "sins". The Pardoner would absolve them for a sizable fee. Their entire lives were filled…
Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales is a unique collection of tales from a virous group of individuals on a spiritual pilgrimage. Each person in the collection comes from all walks of life. For example Hubert the friar who knows the taverns in just about every town better than a poor house, a young man given the name The Clerk who spends every last cent he has on books, and a Doctor who is good at what he does and made a lot of money during the Plague. Every person is different in their own way but read carefully people of today could relate to one or more or even a bit of each one, whether it be their personalities, their looks or their beliefs. Whatever their reason, everyone on the pilgrimage have one thing in common. They are there to find…
In Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales," two young men of the Middle Ages, stand in sharp contrast to each other. The clerk and the squire are of similar ages but are very different. The clerk is a member of the middle class, has attended Oxford and studied Aristotle, while the squire, a member of the upper class, has been educated in the arts of chivalry.…
use the the money for charity, but he, like many other Pardoner's in his time,…
Geoffrey Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales” celebrates and satires humanity, especially the “everyman”, in his story he included to characters in particular, one representing the best of humanity and the other illustrating the worst. Chaucer practically idolizes the Knight, who represents everything us humans aspire to be. “He was of sovereign value in all eyes. And though so much distinguished, he was wise and in his bearing modest as a maid. He never yet a boorish thing had said in all his life to any, come what might; he was a true, perfect gentle-knight.” (Chaucer 69-74) Chaucer says that though the knight had been through so many brave and amazing situations, from Alexandria to Prussia, fought against the Turks, and in Granada, he had never once been over confident; he remained as modest as one could be. The Knight symbolizes everything good in a human, Chaucer does not satire him at all; however, it is the complete opposite with the Pardoner. The Pardoner symbolizes the lowest a man could get, he cheats, he steals,…
He declares a monk he is travelling with to be of “a fair for the maistrye” but then spends the rest of the description in demonstrating how the monk is not really of the highest value (Chaucer 165). The monk both hunts and has wealth, things a monk should not have or be doing and is to show that the church was filled with people abusing their power since religion was so important at the time and they could get away with it. In the play Everyman religion (God to be precise) had a larger role, but also a different underlying message. Unlike Sir Gawain and The Canterbury Tales, the religious part of the play is more about what values in life and what God wants from “Everyman”. The play is about how society should focus more on being religious and good instead of committing the “seven deadly sins damnable” (36). Although the message is to focus on good deeds in one’s lifetime, it comes off somewhat hypocritical, but differently than in Chaucer’s writings. Instead its focus is on what religious steps should be taken to be forgiven by God, what deeds one should focus on in life, but also shows how simple and easy it is for one to be forgiven at the very end of a…
When one thinks of a monk, he may imagine someone who studies, prays, and performs manual labor. The Monk, one of the thirty pilgrims travelling on a pilgrimage to Canterbury in The Canterbury Tales, is nothing like the usual monk many people imagine. He is rebellious, ignores rules, and lives and controls his own life. Chaucer, the narrator and author of The Canterbury Tales, shows these characteristics in the way the Monk looks, the things he says and does, and in the things the host, a character in "The Monk's Prologue," and Chaucer say about him.…
In The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, many characters go on a religious pilgrimage to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket. On the way to Canterbury, each person on the journey tells a tale. Whoever tells the best story, gets rewarded a lavish free meal. The pilgrimage includes people from the nobility, clergy, and commoner class. For each class, Chaucer develops many different character types that were representative of the society of the time. With a broad spectrum of people and action, The Canterbury tales consists of many different ideas such as social satire, courtly love/ chivalry,morality, and corruption and deceit. One of the most important ideas of the story is that Chaucer puts forward a criteria that…
Elissa Nunnally Ms. Pettijohn English IV- DE 16 September 2014 [Title] The Canterbury Tales is a work written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the late fourteenth century about a group of pilgrims, of many different occupations and personalities, who are on a journey to visit the shrine of Thomas a Becket. Chaucer discloses corruption in the church that was prevalent to society of the time. Within this work, Chaucer satirizes the pilgrims in ways to mock the practices of the church during the fourteenth century. The Wife of Bath, Friar, and Pardoner are three of the pilgrims in these tales that Chaucer uses to ridicule the church.…
The Medieval Catholic Church was exceedingly corrupt during the Middle Ages. Although faith was the foundation of the Church, throughout time, the Church became more about making money and worldly living than living strictly for God. This corruption led to the slacking of the rules for priests and clergymen. Religion and the Church plays an important role in Chaucer’s poem, The Canterbury Tales. Some of Chaucer’s characters’ attitude toward worldly morals is simply horrendous. Although clergymen of the Catholic Church needed to be a shining example for the congregation, the personalities of a select few of Chaucer’s characters suggest that the Medieval Catholic Church was corrupt.…
In the satirical poem, The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer narrates a fictional pilgrimage from London to Canterbury including characters that display all segments of Medieval England. Chaucer accomplishes this through the use of frame narrative. One tale used to portray a character in the poem is “The Pardoner’s Tale.” The Pardoner is a man of the church who sells indulgences to people of sin in the Catholic faith. In “The Pardoner’s Prologue” the Pardoner explains his ruse to his fellow pilgrims then proceeds to the tale in which he tells a story proclaiming that greed is the root of all evil. Ironically, the Pardoner himself is an immensely greedy and selfish man specializing in preying on the fears of God in people and selling…
Satire is the utilization of funniness to uncover somebody or something's indecencies or defects. In The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer utilizes parody to uncover the shortcomings of foundations, and regular generalizations of his time. Parody is broken into six components, all of which are pervasive in the stories. Indeed, even in the General Prologue, the peruser is presented to Chaucer's satiric tone. This is particularly genuine when he acquaints with us the characters. For instance, The Knight's portrayal is modest representation of the truth. He is intended to jab fun at the Knights' of Chaucer's opportunity that no longer took after the Code of Chivalry. As a rule, the more Chaucer aversions a character the more pervasive parody…
Even in the General Prologue, the reader is exposed to Chaucer's satiric tone. This is especially true when he introduces to us the characters. For example, The Knight's description is understatement. He is meant to poke fun at the Knights's of Chaucer's time that no longer followed the Code of Chivalry. Usually, the more Chaucer dislikes a character the more prevalent satire is in their description. An example of this is the Pardoner, his horrible description is overstatement to show what a horrible person he is. Also the animalistic description of him is a parody for the same purpose. Corruption of the Catholic Church was a major problem during Chaucer's time and, is a major theme in The Canterbury Tales. Through the use of satire, he exposes…
In conclusion, Chaucer describes two religious people reading through The Canterbury Tales it becomes evident that things are not always just as they seem. The Friar is supposedly someone who would help people and is very religious or so they say, but he is only in it for a selfish gain. The Parson is completely opposite; he did not do it for personal reason, but because that was what he believes in. Chaucer was just someone who could see that not everyone is all that they say they are or, even does things for the right reasons, but the truth will still…