7 chapter outline
module 22
Explaining Motivation
Instinct Approaches: Born to Be Motivated
Drive-Reduction Approaches: Satisfying Our Needs
Arousal Approaches: Beyond Drive Reduction
Incentive Approaches: Motivation’s Pull
Try It! Do You Seek Out Sensation?
Cognitive Approaches: The Thoughts Behind Motivation
Maslow’s Hierarchy: Ordering Motivational Needs
Applying the Different Approaches to Motivation
module 23
Human Needs and Motivation: Eat, Drink, and Be Daring
The Motivation Behind Hunger and Eating
Becoming an Informed Consumer of
Psychology: Dieting and Losing Weight Successfully
Sexual Motivation
The Needs for Achievement, Affiliation, and Power
module 24
Understanding Emotional Experiences
Determining the Range of Emotions: Labeling Our Feelings
The Roots of Emotions
Exploring Diversity: Do People in All Cultures Express
Emotion Similarly?
Psychology on the Web
The Case of . . . Maria Tokarski, the Happiest Loser
Full Circle: Motivation and Emotion
A rmed with Bravery
In just a moment, 27-year-old Aron Ralston’s
Finally, out of water and nearly dehydrated,
life changed. An 800-pound boulder dislodged
Ralston reasoned there was only one option
in a narrow canyon where Ralston was hiking
left short of dying. In acts of incredible brav-
in an isolated Utah canyon, pinning his lower
ery, Ralston broke two bones in his
arm to the ground.
wrist, applied a tourniquet, and used
For the next five days, Ralston lay in the dense, lonely forest, unable to escape. An expe-
a dull pen knife to amputate his arm beneath the elbow.
rienced climber who had search-and-rescue
Freed from his entrapment,
training, he had ample time to consider his
Ralston climbed down from
options. He tried unsuccessfully to chip away
where he had been pinned, and
at the rock, and he rigged up ropes and pulleys
then hiked five miles to safety
around the boulder in a