“Cheating is to deceive by trickery; swindle” (Dictionary.com). From time to time, every person has cheated. The problem of cheating, or academic dishonesty is not a new problem in college. Ever since there have been exams to cheat on, papers to copy, and homework to be copied. More and more, faculty is trying to understand why students cheat, and how to combat cheating. There are a number of reasons that students cheat are that they want to get good grades, it is an easy work to do, everyone does it, and it is even fun to do. Cheating can take the form of working together rather than independently on projects, access to tests or answer keys, taking exams for others; doing another’s assignments, purchasing research papers, taking cheat notes into an exam, copy of work another students and claim it as his or hers or simply plagiarism. “Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one 's own original work” (Dictionary.com). Plagiarism has become more popular among college students. This type of cheating includes but it is not limited to copying and pasting text from one site directly to his or her report, paraphrasing ideas from someone else work, paying someone to do a paper on his or her behalf, without citing of every source. In fact, anything that allows a person to have education biased in favor of him or her can be interpreted as cheating. Cheating happens in the classroom more often than could be recognized. Some of the cheating is intentional, while other cheating could take place accidentally. However, academic cheating is not only an activity that exists in the classroom, it passes through in college. Cheating therefore does not need to be for personal gain. The person who helps others cheat is also cheating. Therefore, if a Professor allows cheating, they are cheaters. There are pros and cons of cheating such as it is little work required for a
Cited: Cheating. (n.d.). In Dictionary online. Retrieved from http://www.dictionary.reference.com/browse/cheating?s=t Kurtus, ron. “Cheating To Get A Better Grade” School for Champions Web. 19 January 2013. Plagiarism. (n.d.). In Dictionary online. Retrieved from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Plagiarism?s=t