1. What is the function of fiber in the body?
2. What are some examples of food sources of dietary fiber?
3. What is the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber?
4. What are the fiber recommendations for children versus adults, according to the article?
5. What did you learn about fiber that you were not aware of prior to reading this information?
The main function that fiber does in your body is help the digestive system regulate itself. Fiber also helps your body by lowering your cholesterol.
Some examples of food sources of dietary fiber are as followed: any green vegetables like greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, oatmeal, brand cereal, and whole-wheat bread. You can eat these in any meal of the day from breakfast, lunch or dinner.
The difference between soluble and insoluble fiber is:
Soluble fiber is soluble in water as it can be mixed with water and forms a thick gel substance. Soluble fiber also is the fiber that lowers cholesterol. Insoluble fiber pretty much stays the same form and does not mix with water. Insoluble fiber also helps reduce constipation and helps prevent hemorrhoids.
The recommendation for children’s intake of fiber should be less than an adult as long as the diet that the child is on is less than 1500 calories a day. It should be about 10 grams of fiber a day as the adults fiber should be around 25 grams per day. Children should also receive the majority of calories from complex carbohydrates per (the article Fiber, Lipids, and Coronary Heart Disease 2009).
I’ve learned from the articles and this assignment that fiber is very important in everyone’s daily diet. I have also learned that a child’s dietary fiber should not be the same intake as an adult. I have also learned that we all need to make sure we try to incorporate fiber in every meal to make sure we are getting enough in our daily diets.
Van Horn, Linda PhD, RD (1997) Fiber, Lipids, and Coronary Heart
References: Van Horn, Linda PhD, RD (1997) Fiber, Lipids, and Coronary Heart Disease. Retrieved September 10, 2009, from American Heart Association Web Site http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/95/12/2701