Does the option to download appendixes in an audio format improve the quality of your educational experience?
Downloading the appendixes in audio and visual formats have enabled me to complete my assignments while I am out handling my daily chores. I also listen to the appendixes while preparing meals or tending to other household distractions. I enjoy being able to play the audio or video over and over again. This offers a cool relief to my eyes. It can be very fatiguing when having to re-read items.
Does it make learning more convenient due to its portability?
My learning experiences are and will continue to be effective due to the portability of the files and appendixes Axia College offers. The convenience offers an awesome alternative to having to sit and listen to a professor dictate information in a synchronous environment. Does it help you learn in different ways?
The audio and video supplements offered by Axia have given me the options to choose my methods of studying whenever and wherever necessary. I am in charge of my education and truly enjoy the flexibility Axia College provides. Is it something you will not use?
Using the technological tools that are offered by Axia is a must! I plan to continue utilizing all of the tools provided and I am looking forward to any technological enhancements to come. My biggest question that I ask my self is, "Why didn't I enroll in distance learning