POS 110
Checkpoint: Voting in America
Upon researching voter turnout in the United States, it is clear that the rate has declined tremendously over the years. Since the 1960’s, participation levels from voters has constantly decreased. There are many trends that lead to such a decline in turnout. One reason that many American citizens decide not to vote is due to the registration barriers. The laws governing how qualified voters should register has become a rather tedious as well as discouraging process. “Although these laws have made it more difficult to vote more than once, they have also discouraged some people from voting at all” (Edwards, Wattenberg, & Lineberry, 2008). Another reason why many American citizens choose not to vote is because many of them are indifferent. Individuals in this category are either uninterested or just unconcerned with the election. These individuals could care less who takes office because it is not that important to them. Voter turnout has always been extremely important in America. If full participation occurs, then the voting system set in place is authenticated. The opinion of every American individual is equally important and that opinion needs to be voiced or expressed in the form of a ballot. It is truly unbelievable how the “democratic spirit” that once filled the American air has now just become a thing of the past.
Edwards, G. C., Wattenberg, M. P., & Lineberry, R. L. (2008). Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy Brief (9th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Longman.
References: Edwards, G. C., Wattenberg, M. P., & Lineberry, R. L. (2008). Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy Brief (9th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Longman.